Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

On this Page
Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Community Response and Equity Committee City of San Antonio Health Literacy Workgroup YWCA San Antonio A survey conducted by Pew Internet and American Life Project advised that approximately eighty percent of adult Internet users have searched online for at least one major health topic in the past year. However, research published regarding the Healthy People 2020 goal of forty-five percent of the population accessing online health information without frustration showed that less than forty percent of those seeking information online could do so without issue. This number decreases when adjusted for race, age, education, and socioeconomic status.… Texas
Community Unconference: Let’s Talk About Black Maternal Health University at Buffalo, Health Sciences Library Our project aims to increase awareness, and to educate the community by amplifying the voices of community members around the health disparities and inequities related to Black maternal health The project activities are three community events: 1) a webinar to feature the ENAHEC and the All of US Program, 2) an in-person screening of a documentary about Black maternal health that will feature resources from the All of Us program and NLM, and 3) an in-person Community Unconference where… New York
Comprehensive Health Information Outreach- Tennessee East Tennessee State University - Medical Center This project will provide consumer health training and consumer health brochures based on Medline Plus to rural public libraries, Remote Area Medical clinics (, local health departments, rural federally supported medical clinics, rural dental clinics, faith-based clinics, an African American Community Center, and a church outreach and downtown city festival (Corazon) for Latinx people in Tennessee. These groups will be trained to use MedlinePlus. They will search MedlinePlus and identify valuable consumer health information and print what they want to use in their agency… Tennessee
Connecting People to Telehealth Public Library Lawton Public Library The Lawton Public Library intends to bridge the digital divide with telehealth kiosks and programming to improve individuals’ access to health information. The primary outreach is to the medically underserved members in Comanche County. The library will connect with people experiencing homelessness, transient populations, lower income, and English as a second language… Oklahoma
Connecting Rural Paramedic Education Classrooms Elizabethtown Community Hospital The Elizabethtown Community Hospital Paramedic Education Program aims to support a pipeline for emergency medical professionals certified as paramedics, the highest level of pre-hospital care certification and licensure. The education and skills students of the program receive allows them to adapt to any given situation and to make informed decisions about the health of the patients and communities they serve. Updated distance learning equipment will enable program faculty… New York
last updated: 06/14/24 10:14
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