Region 4

Region 4

The University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library serves as the Regional Medical Library (RML) for Region 4, which provides programs, services, and dedicated support for NNLM Members in Arizona, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. 

The University of Utah is proud of our partnership with:

  • University of Arizona, host of our Communication Specialist
  • University of Colorado, host of our Community Based Health Organization Specialist and primary point of contact for Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico
  • University of Wyoming, host our Public Health Specialist and primary point of contact for North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.  
Region 4 Staff Directory
Looking for assistance? Browse our staff directory to find contact information, and get to know the RML staff by reading their personal bios.
Become a NNLM Member Organization

Member organizations are eligible for benefits and services, including: NNLM funding, access to training, partnership opportunities, free educational and printed materials, NLM Traveling Exhibitions, and institutional recognition as a Network Member.

Funding Opportunities

Browse open funding opportunities that are available to members in Region 4.

Classes & Training

Browse NNLM's upcoming training opportunities, course catalog, and recordings of past webinars.

R4 Connections Webinar Series

R4 Connections: The Power of Mental Health First Aid webinar on January 9, 2025 at 11am Mountain Time.

The Power of Mental Health First Aid

Date and Time: Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. MT

Description: Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an evidence-based, early intervention program that teaches individuals about mental health and substance misuse challenges. The course takes a person-first approach to supporting others and is grounded in the belief that recovery from a mental health or substance misuse issue is achievable. Through skills-based activities and discussions, participants will strengthen their knowledge to become better equipped with tools and resources to support their loved ones, friends, and community.

While the full MHFA course is 6-8 hours long, the Power of Mental Health First Aid webinar will explore the course framework and objectives, its global impact, and the tangible skills that one can expect to walk away with after completing the course. 

Guest Speaker: Victoria Watson, M.Ed - Assistant Director of Health Promotion and Basic Needs at the University of Colorado, Denver

Registration is required. Unable to join us live? Register anyway and you will receive the recording after the event. Recordings of past sessions are available on our YouTube playlist. 

Keep In Touch!

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Office Holiday Closure

December 24, 2024-January 1, 2025


Contact Region 4 staff via email at


Call us at 801-587-3487. If we are unable to answer your call, please leave a detailed message and we will be in touch.


Subscribe to the Region 4 newsletter to receive the latest news and announcements about educational and funding opportunities.


If your organization is interested in becoming a member of the NNLM, please complete this form. It's free to join!

Social Media


NNLM Region 4 Available Funds

Eligible members are encouraged to take advantage of:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact John Bramble or your state's point of contact: