Available Classes

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Scheduled Classes

Event Title Date(s) Summary
Open Tools for Data Deidentification August 6, 2024 This webinar will provide a brief introduction to data science topics and terminologies.

Platform/Location: Zoom

The NIH Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI): Supporting Data Sharing in Generalist Repositories August 7, 2024 Attend this webinar to hear about the Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI) and the ways in which resources including GREI repositories and best practices can lead to quality data sharing.

Platform/Location: Zoom

Challenges for Agricultural Producers and Workers - How to Assist Those on the Front Line August 7, 2024 This session will focus on stress management topics of agricultural producers and workers.

Platform/Location: Zoom

Effective Health Communication and Health Literacy: Understanding the Connection - August 7, 2024 August 7, 2024 This 1 hour webinar introduces the concepts of health literacy and health communication. This presentation addresses improving health literacy, by including information about the NLM/NIH resource MedlinePlus.gov.

Platform/Location: Zoom

Graphic Medicine Discussion: Ripple Effects August 13, 2024 Join Region 7 and the Graphic Medicine Community of Interest in a book discussion of Ripple Effects by Jordan Hart covering topics such as invisible illness, chronic diseases and disability, graphic medicine in superhero stories, and more.

Platform/Location: Zoom

Collection Development and Reference Strategies for Sexual and Reproductive Health Information August 14, 2024 Looking to provide evidence-based sexual and reproductive health information in your library? This webinar is for you. Learn practical collection development tips, reference strategies and how to create an inclusive, non-judgmental health-focused library environment.

Platform/Location: Zoom

NLM Office Hours: The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) August 15, 2024 Join us for the next National Library of Medicine (NLM) Office Hours on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 1pm Eastern Time.

This session will focus on the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), a set of files and software available from the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) that brings together many biomedical vocabularies and standards for drugs, diseases, procedures, lab tests, medical devices, organisms, anatomy, genes, and more. The UMLS team will discuss the UMLS Metathesaurus data release files and the UMLS editing process before answering your questions.

Platform/Location: Zoom

On-Demand Classes

Event Title Date(s) Summary
How PubMed Works: Automatic Term Mapping On-Demand On-demand through April 30, 2025 Learn about PubMed's automatic term mapping feature that kicks in
automatically when you enter untagged terms into PubMed's search box.

How PubMed Works: Automatic Term Mapping On-Demand is eligible for 1.5 MLA CE.

This is a self-paced course offered via Moodle. The class is available 24/7.

Platform/Location: Moodle

How PubMed Works: Introduction On-Demand On-demand through April 15, 2026 How PubMed Works: Introduction On-Demand is eligible for 1.5 MLA CE.

This is a self-paced course offered via Moodle. The class is available 24/7.

Platform/Location: Moodle

How PubMed Works: MeSH On-Demand On-demand through April 15, 2025 How PubMed Works: MeSH On-Demand is eligible for 1.5 MLA CE.

This is a self-paced course offered via Moodle. The class is available 24/7.

Platform/Location: Moodle

How PubMed Works: Selection On-Demand On-demand through April 30, 2025 How PubMed Works: Selection On-Demand is eligible for 1.5 MLA CE.

This is a self-paced course offered via Moodle. The class is available 24/7.

Platform/Location: Moodle

Introduction to All of Us On-demand through April 30, 2026 An introduction to the All of Us Research Program and its transformative research.

Platform/Location: Moodle

Introduction to Health Reference: Ethics and Best Practices (2022) On-demand through April 30, 2026 In this 4 credit-hour, on-demand class learn how to conduct a health reference interview using ethical and effective communication strategies.

Content includes narrated and interactive self-paced tutorials. This class addresses increasing health information access and use by including information about the NLM/NIH resource MedlinePlus "Evaluating Internet Health Information: A Tutorial from the National Library of Medicine".

Platform/Location: Moodle

Introduction to Precision Medicine On-demand through April 30, 2026 Introduction to Precision Medicine is an introductory, on-demand course for public librarians. This class is designed to introduce learners to the concept of precision medicine. This course will provide the learner with resources to support patrons with questions or concerns about precision medicine and related health topics.

Platform/Location: Moodle

Class Experience Level