Title | Summary |
Common Data Elements: Standardizing Data Collection | Making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) starts well before data collection. Designing studies with common data elements (CDEs) can enable data sharing and reuse, and librarians and other information professionals can assist researchers in the use of CDEs. Whether you are a research data librarian or assist researchers in finding sources, this one-hour, self-paced course from the National Library of Medicine can help you understand how you can support the use of common data elements (CDEs) in cr |
Creating Data Management Plans with the DMPTool | The DMPTool is a free tool that walks users through creating comprehensive data management plans. This webinar will guide attendees through data management plan basics, creating a DMPTool profile, and exploring available templates and planning resources. The DMPTool is a great resource for building data management plans for grant applications, especially considering that starting in January 2023 the NIH will require funded researchers to submit a plan outlining how scientific data from their research will be managed and shared. |
Data for Everyone | This class will be an introduction to learning about data. If you have any interest in learning about data but do not know where to start, this class is a great entry point to and foundation for classes currently offered in data management, data science, data services, and statistics. Topics will include a review of data terminologies, data types, and the basic concepts involved in working with a spreadsheet. Additionally, the class will encourage students to explore further NNLM learning opportunities for working with data. |
Data Management Sharing Policy (DMSP) Webinar Recordings On-demand | The webinar series introduces the basics of data management and the new requirements for data management and sharing that will be in place beginning in 2023. The introduction will then be followed by three webinars providing “practitioner perspectives” – i.e., data librarians sharing their opportunities, barriers, methods, and successes as they work toward improving data management practices at their institutions. |
Data Services On-Demand | Data Services On-Demand is a modular learning experience that works for you. Each module is self-contained and offers MLA CE hours as well as credit toward Data Services Specialization (DSS). The modules are: |
Drug Terminologies and RxNorm | This 1 credit-hour on-demand class introduces you to the basic concepts of medical terminologies (including what they are and why they are important), followed by a deep dive into RxNorm, an NLM-authored medical terminology specializing in drug information. Designed for health sciences librarians and other health information specialists seeking to serve more active roles in their health IT team and better support researchers. Expect to spend 1 hour learning through videos and exercises. |
Finding and Using Health Statistics | This online, self-paced course for librarians and students in health sciences describes different types of health statistics, how they are collected, and where they can be found. How many Americans are affected by cardiovascular disease each year? Are there geographic gaps in access to healthcare? How do the leading causes of death in the United States differ from those worldwide? Do mRNA vaccines, like the COVID-19, cause cardiovascular events? Does the use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills) increase the risk of breast cancer? |
Fundamentals of Health Data Science | This 9-week class covers the basics of programming in Python for data science projects in health sciences. It includes a general look at data science and algorithmic concepts as well as specific topics in coding, namely the understanding and tools needed to clean data, create data visualizations, and share reproducible results. Learners will be asked to perform these tasks for a final project, which focuses on a provided dataset relating to health research. |
Fundamentals of Health Sciences Research Data Management | This online class meets the NLM/NIH strategic plan goal of accelerating discovery and advancing health through data driven research in order to increase health information access and use. The class is designed to provide information professionals, working in health sciences, with an introduction to research data management. The primary goal of this course is to improve your knowledge and skills in research data management and enable you to add or enhance research data management training and services at your institution. |
National Center for Data Services (NCDS) Short Course | The NCDS short course provides an opportunity to grow in special topics of data librarianship and services. The topic changes annually, and it is based on trending areas of importance to health information professionals. The target audience can consist of those who have no experience with data services as well as experienced practitioners. The short course is typically offered in the spring. |
National Center for Data Services (NCDS) Short Course | The NCDS short course provides an opportunity to grow in special topics of data librarianship and services. The topic changes annually, and it is based on trending areas of importance to health information professionals. The target audience can consist of those who have no experience with data services as well as experienced practitioners. The short course is typically offered in the spring. |
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Overview | The NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy that will go into effect in January 2023 will require funded researchers to submit a plan outlining how scientific data from their research will be managed and shared. This session is intended for information professionals who are unfamiliar with this policy and will review the policy components and how you can prepare to address the policy at your institution. |
Class Catalog
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last updated: 06/14/24 11:50