Common Data Elements: Standardizing Data Collection

Making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) starts well before data collection. Designing studies with common data elements (CDEs) can enable data sharing and reuse, and librarians and other information professionals can assist researchers in the use of CDEs. Whether you are a research data librarian or assist researchers in finding sources, this one-hour, self-paced course from the National Library of Medicine can help you understand how you can support the use of common data elements (CDEs) in creating FAIR data. 


After completing this course, you will be able to: 

  • Explain what we mean by making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) 
  • Define and describe Common Data Elements (CDEs) 
  • Interpret the roles for librarians related to CDEs, and identify repositories that would be relevant to these roles
  • Describe the National Library of Medicine’s role in supporting CDEs 

The course modules include: 

  • Why the Need for Common Data Elements? (10 minutes) 
  • FAIR Data (15 minutes) 
  • Common Data Elements (CDEs) (20 minutes) 
  • NLM and Common Data Elements (15 minutes) 
Class Length

1 hour

Continuing Education

This class has been approved for 1 Medical Library Association (MLA) continuing education credit.

Class Owner(s)

Contact the NNLM Training Office for more information.

Class Instructor(s)

Contact the NNLM Training Office for more information.


Event Title Event Start Date Summary Continuing Education Credits CE Categories Is Online Registration
Common Data Elements: Standardizing Data Collection This online, self-paced course describes how librarians and other information professionals can facilitate data standardization and research data sharing using common data elements (CDEs). 1.00 Data Services Specialization (DSS) Level 1 On
Event Title Event Start Date Summary Continuing Education Credits CE Categories Is Online Registration
Common Data Elements: Standardizing Data Collection This online, self-paced course describes how librarians and other information professionals can facilitate data standardization and research data sharing using common data elements (CDEs). 1.00 Data Services Specialization (DSS) Level 1 On