NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Workshop

This immersion training provides an extensive look at the upcoming NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan Requirements (effective January 25, 2023).

This workshop is intended for those without much experience working in research data management and will provide an overview of the NIH policy, research data management basics, and related resources.

  • Communicate the NIH DMSP policy in language that researchers, fellow librarians, or leadership at your institution will understand.
  • Provide guidance for researchers on how to approach each section of a DMSP.
  • Provide a general critique of a DMSP written by a researcher.

Continuing Education

This class has been approved for 6 Medical Library Association (MLA) continuing education credits.

Class Owner(s)

Alisa Surkis, Director, NCDS
Justin de la Cruz, Associate Director, NCDS

Class Instructor(s)

Alisa Surkis, Director, NCDS
Justin de la Cruz, Associate Director, NCDS
Genevieve Milliken, Data Services Librarian, NCDS
Nicole Contaxis, Content Expert, NCDS


Event Title Event Start Date Summary Continuing Education Credits CE Categories Is Online Registration

No classes.

Event Title Event Start Date Summary Continuing Education Credits CE Categories Is Online Registration
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Immersion Workshop The NNLM National Center for Data Services (NCDS) is hosting this workshop to provide an extensive look at the upcoming NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan Requirements (effective January 25, 2023).

This workshop is intended for those without much experience working in research data management and will provide an overview of the NIH policy, research data management basics, and related resources.

Event registration is capped at 75 participants, so please ensure that you can attend the entirety of this session before registering.

Instructors from the NCDS will be joined by Nina Exner of Virginia Commonwealth University.
6.00 On
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Immersion Workshop The NNLM National Center for Data Services (NCDS) is hosting this workshop to provide an extensive look at the upcoming NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan Requirements (effective January 25, 2023).

This workshop is intended for those without much experience working in research data management and will provide an overview of the NIH policy, research data management basics, and related resources.

Event registration is capped at 55 participants, so please ensure that you can attend the entirety of this session before registering.

Instructors from the NCDS will be joined by Nina Exner of Virginia Commonwealth University.
6.00 On
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Immersion Workshop The NNLM National Center for Data Services (NCDS) is hosting this workshop to provide an extensive look at the upcoming NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan Requirements (effective January 25, 2023).

This all-day workshop is intended for those without much experience working in research data management and will provide an overview of the NIH policy, research data management basics, and related resources.

Instructors from the NCDS will be joined by Nina Exner of Virginia Commonwealth University.
6.00 On