Staff Bio
Nicole Contaxis
Content Expert, NCDS
Classes I Teach
Event Title | Summary |
Cancelled. Where do we go from here? Tools for Finding and Sharing Data | Data sharing and data discovery are essential parts of the research process, and tools from the National Library of Medicine are available to help! The NNLM Data Repository Finder is meant to help locate NIH-supported repositories for sharing research data. It is a tool that asks you to answer a set of questions about your research and shows you which repositories are available for your data sharing needs. And to help with data discovery, the NLM Dataset Catalog is a catalog of biomedical datasets from various repositories for users to search, retrieve, and connect with datasets to accelerate scientific research. This session will show how to use these tools, and the presenters will be available to answer any questions. |
Understanding Data Discovery and Sharing Infrastructure and Leveraging It for Your Benefit | Learn about the infrastructure of data sharing and how various systems and structures relate. |