The Region 6 Partner Outreach Program (POP) guide is intended as a resource for the POP ambassador organizations and their staff in order to meet the MOU for the program.
POP Office Hours
- Per request
Next POP Webinar
- 14 January 2025, 1 p.m. CT / 2 p.m. ET
- 14 April 2025, 10 a.m. CT / 11 a.m. ET
NLM Exhibitions Information
- Year 4: 01 May 2024 - 30 April 2025
- Current MOU ends 30 April 2026. Final reports for MOU due by this date.
What is POP?
The purpose of the NNLM Region 6 Partner Outreach Program 2021-2026 is to support health equity by providing health information access throughout Region 6 by the formation and practice of the Partner Outreach Program (POP). POP objectives include the following:
- Provide health information resources and training to underserved and underrepresented groups, including tribal communities and institutions, that are priority populations of the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
- Act as ambassadors for NNLM services and resources, communicating health information needs to the RML, and work with the RML in remediation of those needs, whether through direct training or utilizing a train-the-trainer model.
- Act as a field force in their state to identify potential partners for outreach.
Ambassador organizations will receive remuneration, training, and direction from the Region 6 office according to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), a sample of which is available online. They will be reimbursed $300 or the negotiated hourly wage per outreach activity or event; printing, travel, and incidental expenses will be covered for a total annual combined budget of $1200.
The following organizations will be working as Partner Outreach Program Ambassadors throughout the Region:
- Anoka County Library (MN)
- Chicago State University - Gwendolyn Brooks Library (IL)
- Ebling Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)
- Fox River Valley Public Library District (IL)
- Geneseo Public Library District (IL)
- Medical College of Wisconsin Libraries (WI)
- Trinity Health West Michigan (MI)
- Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition (OH)
- Restored Visions (OH)
- Ruth Lilly Medical Library, Indiana University School of Medicine (IN)
- Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Medical Library (IL)
- The Ohio State University Health Sciences Library (OH)
- University of Cincinnati Health Sciences Library (OH)
- University of Illinois Chicago – Library of the Health Sciences (IL)
- University of Iowa – Hardin Library for the Health Sciences (IA)
- University of Minnesota Health Sciences Library (MN)
POP Training Resources & Tools
- All of Us Community Engagement Resources Library
- Community Guide to Advance Health Information Equity
- How To Evaluate Health Information on the Internet
- MedlinePlus Basics Trifold Brochure
- MedlinePlus Tutorial for Librarians and Health Educators
- Order Free Informational Materials - Please provide a three-week turnaround if possible!
- POP handouts
- Proposed POP Outreach Activities and Events
- PowerPoint_M+_presentationDec2021.pptx
POP Created Resources
DoctorSpeak: Health Literacy and Healthcare Professionals, a video presentation by Katherine Chew, University of Minnesota.
- Overview of what is health literacy, why it is important, the risks of low health literacy, how to recognize low health literacy, best practices for communicating with patients and health literacy resources. Attachments include a Medical Jargon Exercise, Plain Language Checklist for Written Materials, Health Literacy Resource List and list of references consults for the presentation.
- Engagement: Outreach Librarianship and Connecting With Your Community, (2019). Katherine Chew, University of Minnesota.
- Health Reference: The Basics in Less than 60 Minutes (2020). Katherine Chew, University of Minnesota.
NLM Product Guides
The guides provide instructors with examples and ideas for teaching people about NLM products.
This page has a list of short guides for NLM Products. Each guide includes a brief description, popular uses, key points, potential predicaments, teaching examples, real-life examples, and links to more resources. The product guides are primarily for people in instruction or training roles such as librarians, faculty leads, or mentor researchers. The guides provide instructors with examples and ideas for teaching people about NLM products.
Reporting Resources
- From NNLM Data Reporting System: Steps for submitting Grant Activity Reports, including a Video Guide.
- Participant Information Sheet.pdf
- Use this to gather role information and ZIP code of participants.
- Activity Reporting Template.pdf
- May be used when drafting a report to be entered online.
Invoicing Resources
Any resources developed with project funds must include an acknowledgment of NIH grant support and a disclaimer:
- Developed resources reported in this [publication, press release, internet site] are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM013729. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Sponsoring information
2024 NIH Public Access Policy
- NIH has published its 2024 NIH Public Access Policy. The Policy applies to any Author Accepted Manuscript accepted for publication in a journal, on or after 31 December 2025.
Notice Number: NOT-OD-25-047
Release Date: 17 December 2024
Region 6 Contacts
Jacqueline Leskovec, MLIS, MA, RN
- Network Coordinator
- Skype: jacqueline.leskovec
- Office: 773.828.4479
Region 6 RML
Business Office Contacts
Main contact
Cheryl Doehrmann