Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

On this Page
Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Healthy Tech: Addressing West Philadelphia's Socio-technological Status Divide (STS) Lankenau Medical Center The Healthy Tech Project will partner with local West Philadelphia grocery stores to offer both Healthy Tech Stations (desks, chairs, Wi-Fi, computers and printers) as well Medical Student volunteer support to shoppers. The Healthy Tech Stations will give West Philadelphia shoppers access and coaching on how to locate health information using available websites including but not limited to: NNLM, USDA, CDC, OSHA, Aunt Bertha and local FQHC's. The Medical Student volunteers promote the utilization of the Healthy Tech Stations and accessing the information and care by actively… Pennsylvania
Help Your Library Patrons Understand Clinical Trials Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Health Sciences Library This program, a collaboration between Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries Health Sciences Library (Health and Wellness Library) and the VCU C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research aims to provide local public  librarians with the skills to increase the health literacy of community members. This outreach project will be accomplished through consumer health information/clinical trials training workshops, a book discussion session, and an invited speaker event focusing on… Virginia
How to Use Your Health Insurance: Development and Dissemination of an Online Learning Module for Young Adults University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences- Center for Health Literacy This project is a health literacy intervention designed to equip young adults with knowledge to better understand and use their health insurance. A team of health literacy experts will use plain language best practices to develop content for an interactive learning module. Potential users will vet the module content and a prototype to evaluate and improve relevance, understandability, and actionability. The module will be disseminated to students at the university level and include a post-session survey to provide evaluation data and inform future work.  Arkansas
Identifying barriers to effective tobacco cessation consultation in an inpatient NY regional hospital setting Albany Medical College Despite local and national attempts to promote prevention and curb accessibility and use, approximately one in five Americans continues to use tobacco products [1]. The majority of tobacco users are interested in quitting, yet fewer than one-third report using evidence based cessation methods, and fewer than ten percent report a successful quit attempt in the past year[3]. One intervention method is the integration of tobacco cessation into clinical care in an inpatient setting[5]. Recent results from inpatient programs highlight the value to patients, but also indicate the presence… New York
Identifying health information gaps and opportunities to support optimum care and education of females with Mullerian Anomalies Montana State University - Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity Our project will seek to identify health information gaps and opportunities to support the optimal clinical care and education of females diagnosed with Mullerian Anomalies (a recognized National Institutes of Health Sexual and Gender Minority health disparity population due to Mullerian Anomalies classification as a Difference of Sexual Development1). As females with Mullerian Anomalies (gynecological birth defects found in approximately 7% of the general female population, leading to atypical variations of the uterine and vaginal anatomy2) often experience lifelong gynecological… Montana
last updated: 06/14/24 10:14
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