Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

On this Page
Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Healthy Men, Healthy Families Clayton County Library System The Clayton County Library System proposes a program that will help to improve health information literacy, and expand our library outreach to men providing information, educational sessions and interactive programs using NNLM products, such as MedlinePlus, MedlinePlus Men's Health and  We'll also enhance our collection of men's health books & magazines and offer in-person and virtual seminars & workshops partnering with our county health organizations, churches, fraternities and sororities, and community leaders to… Georgia
Healthy Sioux Empire Health Connect of South Dakota Healthy Sioux Empire is a coalition led project of the Sioux Empire Coalition (SEC). Health Connect of South Dakota, the state’s only dedicated consumer public health library and a member of NNLM, manages the SEC. The Healthy Sioux Empire project will involve providing prevention and public health education to the Sioux Empire metropolitan area (population of over 276K) through the members of the SEC. The educational opportunities will address area community needs just recently highlighted in the 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment surveying released in June of 2022...… South Dakota
Healthy Sioux Empire Health Connect of South Dakota Healthy Sioux Empire is a coalition led project of the Sioux Empire Coalition (SEC). Health Connect of South Dakota, the state’s only dedicated consumer public health library and a member of NNLM, manages the SEC. The Healthy Sioux Empire project will involve providing prevention and public health education to the Sioux Empire metropolitan area (population of over 276K) through the members of the SEC. The educational opportunities will address area community needs just recently highlighted in the 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment surveying released in June of 2022...… South Dakota
Healthy Sioux Empire Community-Based CHW and Libraries Health Connect of South Dakota The “Healthy Sioux Empire Community-based CHW and Libraries” project focuses on bringing a Community Health Worker (CHW) into the public library system in the Sioux Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). This project will connect Siouxland Libraries staff and community member library users with expanded knowledge of health resources available from the National Library of Medicine.  South Dakota
Healthy Sioux Empire Community-Based CHW and Libraries Health Connect of South Dakota The “Healthy Sioux Empire Community-based CHW and Libraries” project focuses on bringing a Community Health Worker (CHW) into the public library system in the Sioux Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). This project will connect Siouxland Libraries staff and community member library users with expanded knowledge of health resources available from the National Library of Medicine.  South Dakota
last updated: 06/14/24 10:14
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