Darlene Kaskie, MLS

Engagement Coordinator, Region 6

Darlene Kaskie, MLS, is the Community Engagement Coordinator for Region 6 of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) located at the University of Iowa. She supports the mission of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) by providing health professionals with access to biomedical information as well as improving public access to consumer health information. She has her Consumer Health Information Specialization from the Medical Library Association.

Classes I Teach

Event Title Summary
Know Your Flow: A Menstrual Health Collaboration Why do we expect to find toilet paper and paper towels but not period products in a public bathroom? Know Your Flow is a partnership between NNLM Region 6 and Aunt Flow to help everyone access menstrual health information and find free period products.
Region 6: NNLM Day at MLA 2023 Meet the NNLM Region 6 during NNLM Day at MLA 2023!
Telehealth 101: What libraries need to know (February 5 - March 1, 2024) This class introduces telehealth, why it’s important, and how it enables people to have greater access to quality healthcare. Explore how different libraries provided patrons in their communities with access to telehealth services.
Telehealth 101: What libraries need to know (July 10-August 7, 2023) This class introduces telehealth, why it’s important, and how it enables people to have greater access to quality healthcare. Explore how different libraries provided patrons in their communities with access to telehealth services.
Telehealth 101: What libraries need to know (June 10 - July 8, 2024) This class introduces telehealth, why it’s important, and how it enables people to have greater access to quality healthcare. Explore how different libraries provided patrons in their communities with access to telehealth services.

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