Health Statistics on the Web (November 2022)

Class Experience Level

This class is no longer accepting registrations

The importance and relevance of health statistics in various contexts will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to become familiar with the features and scope of several statistics Internet resources through the use of numerous exercises.

By registering for this class, you are agreeing to the NNLM Code of Conduct

  • Recognize the differences between data, data sets, and statistics.
  • Understand the 4-step process used to locate relevant health statistics for a particular circumstance or issue.
  • Identify online resources that provide data sets and statistics at the local, state and national level

Class Details

Date(s): November 14, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Platform: Webex
CE Credits: 1.00
CE Categories: Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES)
This is a National NNLM class.
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Class Contacts

Technical Assistance: Molly Knapp

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