Harm Reduction: A Substance Use Disorder Overview

Class Experience Level
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

This class is no longer accepting registrations

Please join NNLM's Region 1 and guest speaker, Miera Corey, for the one-hour training on harm reduction.

Miera Corey is a Maryland Harm Reduction Training Institute (MaHRTI) Coordinator.

Ms. Corey is a Morgan State University graduate, with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. She has six years of experience with The Lighthouse Studies at PEER Point & BESURE, two harm reduction research programs focused on Baltimore City residents with HIV/STD high-risk behaviors through Johns Hopkins University.

Miera is the former Evaluation Coordinator for Wraparound, Systems of Care, and National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative programs at the Institute for Innovation and Implementation, a part of University of Maryland Baltimore, before joining Behavioral Health System Baltimore.  

This one-hour training provides an overview of the potential harms associated with drug use; underlying philosophies and principles central to a harm reduction approach to working with people who use drugs; and definitions and examples of harm reduction in direct service and policy contexts.

This training is for those interested in learning more about harm reduction, as well as practitioners, organizations, and outreach workers providing services to people who use drugs.  

  1. Define harm reduction and understand harm reduction principles. 
  2. Develop a working understanding of harm reduction interventions and interacting with people who use drugs. 
  3. Understand how harm reduction principles can be applied to the workplace. 

By registering for this class, you are agreeing to the NNLM Code of Conduct

Class Recording

Class Details

Date(s): November 15, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Platform: Webex
CE Credits: 1.00
This class is sponsored by Region 1.

Class Contacts

Host/Instructor: Tiffany Chavis
Technical Assistance: Rebecca Brown