Staff Bio

Classes I Teach

Event Title Summary
Consumer Health Collection Management - On Demand This 4 credit-hour, on-demand class reviews collection management principles and resources for health-related collections in public libraries.
Consumer Health Information Specialization On-Demand Discover the basics of providing consumer health information through 8 independent learning modules. Earn up to 8 hours credit towards a Consumer Health Information Specialization.
Effective Health Communication and Health Literacy: Understanding the Connection - April 25, 2024 This 1 hour webinar introduces the concepts of health literacy and health communication. This presentation addresses improving health literacy, by including information about the NLM/NIH resource
Effective Health Communication and Health Literacy: Understanding the Connection - August 7, 2024 This 1 hour webinar introduces the concepts of health literacy and health communication. This presentation addresses improving health literacy, by including information about the NLM/NIH resource
Facilitating Rural Access to Quality Health Information through Little Free Libraries This webinar is part of the Rural Health Webinar Series and will addresses an NNLM grant-funded community partnership between a public library and a university health science library.
Introduction to Health Reference: Ethics and Best Practices (2022) In this 4 credit-hour, on-demand class learn how to conduct a health reference interview using ethical and effective communication strategies.
Mental Health in the Workplace This one-hour webinar will examine aspects of mental health at work covered in the U.S. Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being. We'll also look at SAHMSA’s Creating a Healthier Life a Step-By-Step Guide to Wellness.
NNLM Region One Insights Webinar Series: Beyond Borders: Understanding Oldways Heritage Diets and Reducing Health Disparities This presentation aims to delve into the Oldways Heritage Diets, offering insights into classifying healthful foods within these traditional dietary patterns.
Providing Mental Health Resources at Your Library Responding to questions involving topics on mental health is challenging even for the most experienced librarian. In this 1-hour webinar, participants will learn how to effectively respond to requests for mental health information at their libraries.
Region One Insights Webinar Series: How to Initiate, Support, and Evaluate a Social Work Practicum Student in Your Library: Lessons Learned From A Statewide Initiative in New Jersey In this webinar, you will learn about this project, find information about hosting social work practicum students or developing a similar project in your own area, and gain tools needed to help you prepare for, orient, supervise, and support social work students hosted by your library.