Building Resilience in Harm Reduction

Class Experience Level

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September is Nation Recovery Month! In celebration of recovery month we want to celebrate and support recovery and bring awareness to substance use and harm reduction.  

Building Resilience in Harm Reduction is a facilitated discussion focusing on navigating the effects of harm reduction workplace stressors and other trying situations. We will acknowledge the ups and downs of the work, then identify ways to cultivate and utilize existing resilience techniques, both individuals and organizations.

Join our guest speaker Miera Corey. Miera is a Maryland Harm Reduction Training Institute (MaHRTI) Coordinator.

Ms. Corey is a Morgan State University graduate, with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. She has six years of experience with The Lighthouse Studies at PEER Point & BESURE, two harm reduction research programs focused on Baltimore City residents with HIV/STD high-risk behaviors through Johns Hopkins University.

Miera is the former Evaluation Coordinator for Wraparound, Systems of Care, and National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative programs at the Institute for Innovation and Implementation, a part of University of Maryland Baltimore, before joining Behavioral Health System Baltimore.  


By the end of this training, participants should be able to:
•    Discuss how harm reduction work hardships affect us
•    Define different types of trauma 
•    Identify common signs & symptoms of trauma
•    Discuss resilience-building strategies to cope with stressful situations

Class Recording

Class Details

Date(s): September 26, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Platform: Webex
CE Credits: 1.00
This class is sponsored by Region 1.
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Class Contacts

Host/Instructor: Tiffany Chavis
Technical Assistance:

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