Class Catalog

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Title Summary
Health Misinformation Webinar Series

Health misinformation is a widespread problem, with false or misleading information about both long standing health concerns like cancer and emergent situations like the COVID-19 pandemic spreading at a rapid pace. Sometimes questionable health information is obvious, but it can also be difficult to recognize and can potentially reach millions of people. 

Health Programming at Your Library

Join us for ideas on how to create health programs for libraries and community/faith-based organizations in this 90-minute webinar. First, we’ll discuss the purpose of conducting health outreach programs for libraries and how to plan a program using a logic model. Then, we’ll brainstorm potential partnerships for health programming and outreach, and learn how resources from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and other reputable agencies introduce community members to health resources in fun and engaging ways.

Health Statistics on the Web

This presentation meets the NLM/NIH strategic plan goal of building a workforce for data-driven research and health in order to address increasing health information access and use.

Health Stories in the Media

This class is designed to evaluate health stories in the media. This course will address how health information is reported in news outlets and popular media and teach you how to analyze these health claims critically. Analysis of news stories involves critical thinking; you will be introduced to a rating instrument and practice exercises to develop this skill.

 Just as no study is perfect, no health story in the news is perfect – but developing this skill will aid you in identifying common reporting issues and teach you how and where to seek more information. 

How PubMed Works

This series of four classes addresses increasing health information access and use by highlighting information about the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed bibliographic database. 

How PubMed Works is a series of four 90-minute presentations. The individual classes are:

  1. How PubMed Works: Introduction
  2. How PubMed Works: Selection
  3. How PubMed Works: MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)
  4. How PubMed Works: ATM (Automatic Term Mapping)

Register for each class separately. 

How PubMed® Works On-Demand

Are you new to PubMed? Maybe you'd like a refresher. How PubMed Works On-Demand walks through all the parts of the PubMed interface.

Each class is designed to take approximately 90 minutes to complete, and each is worth 1.5 MLA CE credits. 

You can start and stop at your convenience, and take only the classes that interest you. Each class is made up of a pre and post-test, a recording and an assignment. 

The individual classes are:

How to Apply for NNLM Funding

How to Apply for NNLM Funding is a 1-hour live webinar worth 1 MLA Continuing Education credit.

Designed for beginning grant proposal writers interested in NNLM funding, this class presents a general overview of grant and funding processes, as well as the level of detail required for a successful proposal.

Each component of the NNLM grant writing process will be addressed, including:

Introduction to All of Us

An introduction to the All of Us Research Program and its transformative research.

Introduction to Health Reference: Ethics and Best Practices

In this 4 credit-hour, on-demand class learn how to conduct a health reference interview using ethical and effective communication strategies.

This class addresses increasing health information access and use by including information about the NLM/NIH resource MedlinePlus "Evaluating Internet Health Information: A Tutorial from the National Library of Medicine".

Introduction to Precision Medicine

Introduction to Precision Medicine is an introductory, on-demand course for public librarians. This class is designed to introduce learners to the concept of precision medicine, the NIH All of Us Research Program (All of Us), and how All of Us contributes to advancing precision medicine. This course will provide the learner with resources to support patrons with questions or concerns about precision medicine and related health topics.

LGBTQIA+ Health Information & Resources

The class aims to provide culturally appropriate health information and resources for LGBTQIA+ populations and the librarians and health care practitioners who support them. We have done our best to use culturally sensitive language and examples recognizing that language on this topic, like gender and sexuality, can be fluid.  Providing access to health information for and about these populations is extremely important.

Love Data Week 2022

Join the National Center for Data Services as we celebrate Love Data Week 2022! 

Love Data Week provides us all with an opportunity to learn about data, how to make good use of it, and to recognize its importance across all that we do. The NNLM is offering programs on supporting data management, data visualization, and data tools. Pick from  a variety of events and workshops to learn a little something about data the week of February 14 - 18, 2022!

Displaying 37 - 48 of 98 NNLM Classes
Continuing Education