Health Information Outreach Award


Period of Performance
July 1, 2025 - April 30, 2026
Application Deadline
March 3, 2025, 6:00 pm EST
Additional Funding Information

Subaward activities may start earlier (no earlier than May 1, 2025) or may be delayed depending on how quickly each institution is able to process paperwork.

Description of Award

The goal of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) is to advance the progress of medicine and improve public health by providing U.S. health professionals with equal access to biomedical information and improving individuals' access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health.

The NNLM Regional Medical Libraries (RMLs) and Offices rely upon partnerships. The award’s primary aims are to widen access to and awareness of health information resources, with a focus on those resources provided by the NLM. The programs are intended to help a variety of users:

  • Make the most effective use of information and decision-support resources to promote healthy behaviors 
  • Prevent costly and debilitating illness 
  • Improve health outcomes when disease occurs

The purpose of the Health Information Outreach Award to ensure that healthcare professionals, patients, and the public are introduced to authoritative health information. This award provides support for projects that improve health information literacy and increase the ability of consumers, caregivers, students, and other members of the public to find and use health information. 

Funds can also be used to improve healthcare professionals’ access to, awareness of, and skills for locating high-quality biomedical and health information. Awards should focus on building partnerships, collaborating with local community groups, and other stakeholders to provide health information outreach projects to the region.


The purpose of the Health Information Outreach Award to ensure that healthcare professionals, patients, and the public are introduced to authoritative health information. This award provides support for projects that improve health information literacy and increase the ability of consumers, caregivers, students, and other members of the public to find and use health information. Funds can also be used to improve healthcare professionals’ access to, awareness of, and skills for locating high-quality biomedical and health information. Awards should focus on building partnerships, collaborating with local community groups, and other key groups to provide health information outreach projects to underrepresented populations in the region.

Proposal Requirements and Preferences

All projects must incorporate one or more National Library of Medicine resources like, or MedlinePlus. Explore product guides for select NNLM resources. It is recommended that you incorporate NNLM programs and resources when possible. Consult your local RML for more assistance.

Potential Project Ideas

Potential projects may include but are not limited to (this list is not meant to be all-inclusive):

  • Promoting awareness and use of health information resources and data by developing, delivering, and evaluating educational programs or resources for health and public health professionals, information professionals, or the public. 
  • Improving access to health information and technology 
  • Exhibiting or presenting at local meetings or organizational events to share completed outreach projects and promote NLM products and services.
  • Evaluating health information and training needs of a community and implementing a training plan for that audience.
  • Development of supplemental educational materials using NLM resources.  
  • Train-the-trainer projects that enhance the skills of the service-providing staff and other consumer health information intermediaries to train participants on locating and evaluating health information.

RML/Office staff are available for consultation on applicable NLM resources. Learn more about more past funded projects: NNLM Past Funded Projects webpage.

  • Your institution or organization must be must be a Network Member of the NNLM. Not a member yet? Join now for free!  
  • Organizations, in most cases, are only eligible to apply for awards from the Regional Medical Library that serves the state in which they operate in. Please contact the RML/Office for further clarification.

University of North Texas Health Science Center (HSC) RCOI Requirement

Successful applicants will be required to submit a Research Conflict of Interest (RCOI) disclosure. From the HSC website:

“All individuals, both internal and external, involved in research are required to complete the new UNTHSC COI eDisclosure. For external individuals, please email the following information: name of individual, email address, department at UNTHSC they will be affiliated with and state that they are an external individual. An account will be setup so they can complete the UNTHSC COI eDisclosure.” 

For more information, visit:

Disallowance of Human Subjects Research

Projects containing Human Subjects Research components will not be reviewed or considered for funding. Applicants that can generate a determination letter from their IRB stating that their project does not meet regulatory definitions should submit documentation as soon as possible.  Typically, quality improvement activities are not considered human subjects research and would still be eligible to apply for funding.

Application Instructions

Online Application Overview

Your application will be comprised of the following items:

  1. Full Project Proposal (Project Information, Project Narrative, Budget Justification)
  2. CVs/Resumes
  3. SF424 R&R Budget Sheet
  4. F&A rate agreement (if applicable)
  5. IRB determination letter (if applicable) 
  6. Letters of support (optional)

Please do not combine all six (6) items into a single PDF package. Send as separate attachments in a single email. Instructions for each item below. 

Project Proposal

1. Full Project Proposal

Please include the following sections (Project Information, Project Narrative, and Budget Justification) and fields in your proposal. Follow the page limits and formatting standards below to ensure readability and fairness.

  • Text size: 12 point
  • Text color: Black 
  • Recommended fonts:
    • Arial,
    • Georgia,
    • Helvetica, or
    • Times New Roman
  • 1” margins
  • DOCX or PDF file format is acceptable 
  • Clearly formatted headings and labels for each section of your application

Project Information (do not exceed 1 page) 

  • Lead Organization: List the institution that will lead and receive funding to conduct the proposed project.
  • Project Lead: Enter the name of the person coordinating this project. 
  • Institution Tax ID: Enter the 9-digit tax identification number for your institution. 
  • Institution UEI Number: Please confirm your organization’s Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). As of April 2022, the Federal Government has transitioned from the use of the DUNS Number to the UEI as the primary means of entity identification for federal awards. If your organization is currently registered in with either an active or inactive registration, you have already been assigned a UEI. Your UEI is viewable on your entity’s registration record in If you do not have one, apply for one as soon as possible.
  • Have you/your institution previously received NNLM funding in the current grant cycle? Yes, No, or I don’t know.
  • Amount Requested: The amount specified should not exceed the limit established by the RML/Office. Contact your RML/Office if you have questions about the funding amount.

Project Narrative (do not exceed 10 pages; page limit does not include supporting documentation such as a bibliography or appendix)

  • Project Title: Describe the project with an external audience in mind.
  • Project Summary: Provide a one-paragraph description that summarizes the proposed project. Funded projects are displayed on the NNLM website and are provided by NLM in response to requests from NIH, HHS, OMB, Congress, and the White House.
  • Partner Organizations: If applicableuse the NNLM Network Directory to find existing records for up to three (3) organizations that will partner with the Lead Organization to conduct/complete the project. List them here.
  • If a record does not exist for a partner organization, provide the institution name, address, and contact information. 
  • Training to be Provided as Part of this Award: State yes or no. 
  • Proposed Start and End Dates for the Project: List the appropriate dates. Contact your RML/Office before applying if your project will extend more than one year.
  • Evidence of Need: Provide a statement of how the project proposed will support the mission of NNLM, explain the need for the project, and describe the audience or population that will be reached through this project. Please clearly document if this project will engage underrepresented populations and/or involve medically underserved areas. When possible, support the stated need using data such as known needs assessments or statistics.
  • Project goals and objectives: State the goal(s) and specific objectives(s) of the proposed project. Goals should align to RML specific aims (consult your local office), NNLM goals and initiatives, and/or the NLM Strategic Plan
  • Implementation: Describe what will be done to meet project objectives and its rationale. Include tasks to be performed and who will perform them.
  • Schedule/Timeline: Include a timeline for implementing the plan to meet objectives.
  • Evaluation Plan: Funded projects are strongly encouraged to use the Subaward Participant Activity Survey (PAS-SUB) which is available through the NNLM National Evaluation Center Materials. The purpose of the PAS-SUB is to evaluate subaward-funded activities in a rigorous and standard manner and can serve as the sole evaluation tool for funded projects. This instrument is available in both English and Spanish. For proposals not using this instrument, describe how the project will be evaluated. Include data collection frequency, type of data to be collected, tools, and how data will be used or disseminated, and justification for not using the PAS-SUB.

    Note: Subawardees can choose to use the PAS-SUB as part of their existing evaluation, but they must use all questions in the PAS-SUB verbatim and in the order provided. PAS-SUB questions have been determined by the Northwestern University IRB to be non-human subjects research and subsequently approved by NLM EP. Additional instruments would need a local IRB determination. Please consult with your RML for assistance. 

  • Publicity/Promotion: Briefly describe how you intend to promote your project to the target audience. Please specify which NLM resources or NNLM national initiatives will be utilized, how they will be promoted, and how they will be utilized throughout the project.
  • Continuity/Sustainability Plan: Describe the activities that will sustain project services and/or communication to the targeted community beyond the award project period.
  • Personnel Qualifications: If applicable, list the project personnel who will be involved in the project and include their role(s) and applicable experience. Submit resumes or CVs for personnel listed in the proposal. 

Budget Justification (do not exceed 5 pages)

Awards are cost-reimbursable and are issued to the institution, not the individual. 

For each budget item, include a narrative justification for the purchase that explains its purpose for the project. 

If a budget line is not applicable for your project, you may leave it blank. The budget estimate should be categorized by the following, as they apply: 

  • Personnel: Include (% time X annual salary) or (hourly rate X estimated hours). Check with your RML/Office for specifics on personnel.
  • Consultant Costs: Estimate expenses from consultants, such as marketing firms or other agencies. Submit the following information to the RML/Office: name of consultant, description of work, hourly rate, total amount/not to exceed amount, and period of performance.
  • Equipment: Quotes for items required such as computers and other equipment. Include quotes received or other pricing information as a separate attachment.
  • Supplies: Quotes for printing and other materials. Include description and any quotes as a separate attachment.
  • Communications: Media, publicity or other communication costs. Include description and any quotes as a separate attachment.
  • Reproduction: Printing materials or other reproduction costs.
  • Travel: Estimates for travel. Include description and any quotes as a separate attachment.
  • Other: Include description and any quotes as a separate attachment.
  • Indirect Costs (IDC) or Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs: Apply at your institution’s non-research rate (typically “Other Sponsored Research”). If your institution has no negotiated rate, a 10% Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) can be applied if you wish to claim it. Indirect Costs included in your overall budget. Your direct costs plus your IDC should not exceed the total award amount.

Funding restrictions: Food, promotional items and furniture are not allowable expenses. Promotional items include but are not limited to: Clothing and commemorative items such as pens, mugs/cups, folders/folios, lanyards, and conference bags that are sometimes provided to visitors, employees, grantees, or conference attendees. Refer to the NIH Grants Policy Statement

2. CVs/Resumes

Please include the CVs or resumes of any key personnel or contributors to the project.

3. SF424 R&R Budget Sheet

Please complete the accompanying SF424 R&R Budget Sheet. Detailed instructions on completing this form can be found on page 92 of General Instructions for NIH and other PHS Agencies.

4. F&A Rate Agreement (if applicable)

If your institution has a negotiated rate, your Office of Sponsored Programs or equivalent department can provide the rate agreement. 

If your organization does not have a negotiated rate and choosing to receive the “de minimus” rate of 10%, no documentation is needed. 

5. IRB Determination Letter (if applicable)

The RML does not fund projects that involve human subjects research. Some organizations may have an Institutional Review Board that can generate a determination letter that shows that your project does not meet regulatory definitions. Inquire within your organization if you’re unsure.

If selected, the RML will submit your proposal to the North Texas Regional Institutional Review Board for review if a letter is not available from your organization. Consulting with the RML prior to submitting your application is highly recommended.

6. Letters of Support or Commitment (optional)

If you are partnering with another organization that is contributing effort or resources to your project, you may include any letters that demonstrate that commitment. This is optional.


When you submit application documents, you are agreeing to the following: 

  • You will share the information gained with colleagues in your institution/RML/Office, as required by the Request for Proposal.
  • You will submit regular, interim & final reports, as requested by the funding agency & stipulated in the Request for Proposal.
  • Any web-based resources developed for this project will ensure accessibility to the greatest possible number of people.
  • Additional documentation will need to be completed should your project be awarded. Please consult your RML/Office for details.
Proposal Submission

The full application should be emailed to: If you do not receive an email confirming your submission within one (1) business day, please email Executive Director Brian Leaf at

Additional Information

Grant Writing Resources

For support in grant writing, please see the NNLM Grants and Proposal Writing Course for tips on award applications. 

508 Compliance

Section 508 requires that all website content be accessible to people with disabilities. This applies to Web applications, Web pages and all attached files on the intranet, as well as, internet. The National Library of Medicine is a part of the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Recipients of National Library of Medicine funding through the NNLM must meet all requirements under Section 508. Information on 508 Compliance.

Reporting Requirements

Technical/progress reports on the project may be required in order to satisfy its reporting obligations to the Federal Awarding Agency. 

A Final Report will be submitted within 15 days after the end of the Project Period or 30 days after termination of this award, whichever comes first. 


Reporting Requirement



Activities and Participants –Submitted through the NNLM Data Reporting System (DRS)

Subawardees must add reports on their individual project page which is accessible via the institutional record. 


An assigned coordinator will provide training and assistance on using the DRS.

Within 10 days of the activity. 

Participant Activity Survey for Subawardees (PAS-SUB)

An assigned coordinator will support access to the PAS-SUB.


Additional information about the PAS-SUB is available:

Two weeks lead time is required for this process.

Final Report –Submitted through the NNLM DRS

Same as above.

Within 30 days of project completion or 15 days after the end of the Project Period.

Required if Applicable

If technology is purchased or provided: NNLM Technology Report

NNLM Technology Report 


Additional information about this reporting requirement is available:

Submit before the final report

If funds are included for professional development: NNLM Professional Development Report

NNLM Professional Development Award Report


Additional information about this reporting requirement is available:

Within 30 days after the last day completed

NIH Public Access Policy

Recipients of NNLM funding are required to deposit any peer-reviewed manuscript upon acceptance for publication in PubMed Central in accordance with the NIH Public Access Policy.

Data Sharing and Development of Training Materials

To facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and information associated with the NNLM Cooperative Agreement Award, all subawardees are required to share any data or training material resulting from funding. For more information, please contact NNLM Region 3.

In addition, recipients of funding are expected to use or adapt existing training materials before developing new materials. Consult with your RML/Office and the NNLM Training Office (NTO) prior to developing materials.

Publication and Copyrighting

Per Section 8.2.1. - Right in Data (Publication and Copyrighting) of the NIH Grants Policy Statement. The NIH must be given a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license for the Federal government to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use any materials developed as a result of funding and to authorize others to do so for Federal purposes, i.e. the ongoing development of the Network of the National Library of Medicine. Data developed by a subawardees/consortium participants and consultants are also subject to this policy. 

NIH Acknowledgement

Any resources developed with project funds must include an acknowledgment of NIH grant support and a disclaimer. Please consult with your RML/Office for the specific acknowledgement statement to be used for your project award.

Application Review and Scoring Criteria

Reviewers are selected by the RML/Office/Center. The Review Committee may include staff as well as Network members from the region, such as public health professionals, academic health science librarians, and community organizations. The Review Committee will make final recommendations for funding to the Associate/Executive Director of the RML/Office. Applicants will receive a copy of reviewer comments along with a final decision regarding funding.

Scored Review Criteria: Scale: 1-95 

The application will be scored in the following areas:

  • Significance (15 points max): Does the proposed program make a significant contribution to the mission of NNLM. Is there information on the target population provided? Are there estimates of the potential population and the portion expected to be reached? Is the target group or population described and the actual or perceived need for the proposed program is discussed?
  • Methodology/Approach (40 points max): Does the statement show the logic and feasibility of the technical approach to reaching the target group or community? Are the types of outreach services provided for the target population appropriate, creative and cost-effective? Does the project plan demonstrate sustainability or the ability to provide lessons learned for future programs? Does the proposed project add value to other initiatives? Does the project use local partners? Does the proposal include a timeline or implementation schedule for major events and activities? Does the program specify what NLM resources or NNLM national initiatives will be promoted and how they will be utilized throughout the project? 
  • Evaluation (15 points max): Is there an evaluation plan? Does the plan make sense given the goals and objectives? Is there a timeline and are individuals assigned responsibility for milestones or tasks? Are there other forms of evaluation that the project should consider or add? Is the plan thorough enough or feasible for the project?
  • Project Staff (15 points max): Does the proposed personnel have experience in developing and conducting outreach and/or training programs in health information for patients, the public or healthcare professionals. Do the proposed personnel have prior experience working with the target group? Is there evidence of institutional facilities and resources adequate to support the proposed programs. If applicable, do project partners bring experience to the project team?
  • Budget (10 points max):  Is the proposed budget within funding limits? Is the budget justification sound? Could budget items be eliminated or reduced without jeopardizing the project? Does it include money within allowable line items? Do they have line items that account for all the requested money?

RML/Office staff and Network members will review and score applications using a standardized RFP scorecard. 

Reviewer score sheets and comments will be shared with the applicant. If further clarification is needed, the applicant will be given 1 week to submit more information.

The RML/Office will provide a subaward agreement for all approved projects. All sub-awards are cost reimbursement. Line item invoices must be submitted for reimbursement of expenditures. Invoices may be sent monthly.

For additional resources, example scorecards, and tips for writing your grant proposal, we have a free NNLM Proposal Writing Toolkit available on our website.