Our goal is to inform the community of available access to health resources and information. We will increase community awareness of health information access, issues, and available resources by holding a Health Fair at the Washington County Library, St. George Branch. The objective of the fair is to promote information for healthy living, help expose our community to health resources such as the NNLM, and partner with local health professionals to create an understanding of the community health network. As part of our fair an electronic booth/kiosk area will include a demonstration of NLM resources. After the fair, the flat screen TV used in the booth will be repurposed as an electronic promotional material found on the NNLM website and other pertinent local data. The electronic bulletin board will be located in the lobby of the main branch for high visibility. The health fair will be a one day event with a key-note speaker in the morning and lectures, with handouts, in the afternoon. The event will be held in January o f 2018.This is the ideal month to reach the target group of snowbirds here for the winter and others thinking about changing habits and living healthy for the New Year. Washington County Library-St. George Branch agrees to: 1. Promote and host a health fair for community members 40 years and older. 2. Coordinate key-note and lecturers for the health fair. 3. Promote and teach one class on NIH Senior Health. 4. Create health information content for display on large screen TV. 5. Evaluate all activities as to their effectiveness in achieving goals of the project. a. Goals: i. Promote information for healthy living via health fair and flat screen TV. ii. Increase awareness of health information resources via lectures and classes. iii. Increase awareness of the health services and resources available in the community via health fair vendors and lectures.

Project Details

Organization Name

Washington County Library - St. George Branch

Organization Type
Public library
Project Lead


Start Date
June 1, 2017
End Date
April 30, 2018
Funding Amount
General Public
Seniors (65+ yrs.)