The health sciences campus at the University of Utah is very interested in virtual reality VR applications. These serious VR applications revolve around education for patients, students, and health professionals, training simulations, and immersive experiences. There is no centralized place on the health sciences campus for people to learn or use VR. There are smaller groups who routinely use VR, but their objective is not to expose or teach others VR. As a library, we can fill this need as a place of VR play and educational how-to. Through the creation of a VR Studio Discovery Space, the Eccles Health Sciences Library will: 1. Expand access to digital content creation tools by adding a Virtual Reality Studio to the Library's Media Design & Innovation Lab MDIL 2. Engage with faculty and students across the health sciences using VR for health education, creating Library VR Champions 3. Build an immersive neuro-opthalmology anatomy experience in VR to become part of the NOVEL and Moran CORE curricula* 4. Actively promote the VR Studio Discovery Space through educational programs, such as Appy Hour, hands-on workshops, events, and on-demand learning modules. We will also promote the new discover space through website, social media, and presentations. 5. Disseminate the VR content that is created through appropriate means. Content may be available to play within the VR Studio Discovery Space, or included as part of a digital collection or exhibit, or made available through commercial venues.

Project Details

Organization Name

Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library - University of Utah

Organization Type
Academic institution
All of Us
Health sciences library
Project Lead


Start Date
August 1, 2017
End Date
April 30, 2018
Funding Amount
Student, College & Post-grad
Educator, College & Post-grad
Library or Information Professional
Health care Provider