This technology funding proposal is to obtain assistive technology for use in five Life Skills classrooms at Roosevelt Elementary School in Worcester, MA. Roosevelt Elementary houses three life skills classrooms grades kindergarten through six and two Autism/Life Skills classrooms grades kindergarten through six. This technology will be used daily in the Life Skills classrooms, servicing a total of 36 students. This proposal requests funds to purchase Ipads for students use, Bluetooth switches to access the technology, ipad bumper covers and Ipad apps. Using the Ipads and various NLM resources such as ToxMystery and other resources listed on the 86's page website of the non-verbal students will be able to increase independence with communication using a Proloquo2Go app and students with physical disabilities will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of cause-effect apps. Daily interactive apps will transform the students into active learners, thereby increasing their independence and academic achievement despite health and medical disabilities. Data will be taken weekly to track amount of time independently using cause/effect apps or independently requested items using a communication app. Evaluation of data will determine if student independence using assistive technology for communication or cause/effect achievement increases by 10%.

Project Details

Organization Name

Worcester Public Schools - Roosevelt Elementary School

Organization Type
Project Lead


Start Date
December 1, 2016
End Date
April 30, 2017
Funding Amount
Student, K-12
Educator, College & Post-grad
General Public
Library or Information Professional
Teens (13-18 yrs.)