133s producing data face unique challenges in data management, data sharing, reproducible research and preservation. The University of Cincinnatis annual Data Day event began in 2015 to highlight these challenges and to provide opportunities for 133s to engage with those who can offer credible information on data related services. Data Day presenters have included 133s, scholars, scientists, GIS experts, faculty and students who come together to speak about the work that they do as it relates to data. Topic areas include but are not limited to innovation, challenges and opportunities working with data, an overview of the current UC landscape as it relates to data, new approaches to collecting and disseminating data, and data in terms of reproducibility and research. UC Data Day 2019 will build on the momentum of the three previous Data Day events, and endeavor to promote interdisciplinary learning and collaboration among the University of Cincinnatis research community and broader Greater Midwest Region. Data Day 2019 will offer a full schedule to engage audience members, reveal solutions to data challenges and foster a community of best practices around improved data management. The event will offer combinations of engaging keynote addresses, workshops on data analyses and visualization, graduate student poster forums, and panels that provide attendees with knowledge of data practices, usage and services. The event will equip 133s with the knowledge and ability to effectively perform data driven research, to better manage their research data across the research lifecycle, to improve their skills in data analytics and visualization, and arm them with pertinent contacts that can address any data related concerns. Data Day 2019 Objectives: Introduce Data Day participants to data resources, best practices and service providers. Provide data-intensive workshops to educate participants on tools and resources for data analyses and visualization. Provide a forum for 133s to discuss projects and issues and build potential data collaborations. We are seeking NNLM funding to pay for the Data Day 2019 expenses, including but not limited to the associated venue costs, speakers/panelists travel expenses, parking, audiovisual needs and other items necessary to host the 2019 event.

Project Details

Organization Name

University of Cincinnati

Organization Type
Academic institution
Health sciences library
HIV services
Project Lead

Tiffany Grant

Start Date
July 23, 2018
End Date
April 30, 2019
Funding Amount
Educator, K-12
Health care Provider
Library or Information Professional
Public Health Professional
Student, College & Post-grad