The goal of NEC-Zero is to eliminate necrotizing enterocolitis NEC to 'zero cases' by increasing access to evidence-based information to promote risk awareness and prevention. NEC, a devastating intestinal complication that involves death of tissue that can spread to the entire body, affects mostly pre-term infants. Gaps in implementation of prevention evidence and parent engagement strategies may explain variation in NEC occurrence across Neonatal Intensive Care Units NICUs. Working with an interdisciplinary team of academic experts and parent support group agencies, NEC-Zero's primary objective is to disseminate health information related to NEC broadly. Work to accomplish this goal will include: 1 refining the NEC-Zero toolkit by expanding multimedia content, translating materials into Spanish, and ensuring that Section 508 accessibility standards are met; 2 expanding awareness about availabiilty of NEC-Zero tools for librarians, clinicians, and consumers; and 3 improving access to NEC-Zero tools through targeted dissemination and marketing strategies to reach all libraries and NICUs in the Network of National Libraries of Medicine Pacific Southwest region NNLM PSR. Specifically, the workplan will: 1 expand multimedia content by partnering with University of Arizona theater students to create short video novellas about NEC in both English and Spanish; 2 refine the Spanish translation of parent-focused materials already developed for NEC-Zero and add a brochure targeting 92 who may deliver a pre-term infant; and 3 offer two webinars about NEC and NEC-Zero materials with continuing education credit made available to librarians health science and public and preemie parent organizations/clinicians physicians, nurses, social workers, dietitians. REMARKS: A summary of the goals and objectives for the project: 1. Refine the NEC-Zero toolkit through enhanced Spanish translation, addition of multimedia content and refinement of clinical and parent-focused tools and ensure that it meets accessibility standards that are described in the Section 508 Rehabilitation Act 2. Expand awareness about availability of NEC-Zero tools to promote NEC prevention 3. Improve access to NEC-Zero tools online e.g., MedlinePlus availability; expand web presence to facilitate quick access by librarians, clinicians, and consumers

Project Details

Organization Name

NEC-Zero Project, College of Nursing, University of Arizona

Organization Type
Academic institution
Health sciences library
Project Lead


Start Date
December 15, 2017
End Date
April 30, 2018
Funding Amount
General Public
Health care Provider
Library or Information Professional
Public Health Professional
Blacks/African Americans
Hispanics/Latin Americans