The Charlotte Library & the Carpenter-Carse Library recently finished a very successful series as part of our first Supporting Healthy Communities from Head to Toe project. We seek funding to continue these efforts, based on demonstrated and expressed community need as well as increasing evidence of the use of libraries as places for public access to and conversations about health issues. In our community, mental health issues and climate change concerns have risen to the top as areas of interest and apprehension. Recent events in Vermont and across the country continue to underscore the necessity for providing resilience education at the earliest ages. Films such as Resilience demonstrate the success that such programs provide in mental and physical health well beyond childhood. As the space open and available to all, the library is a natural location for offering access to and information about nurturing resilience in 86. Similarly, local and national effects of changing weather patterns and climates continue to affect our lives in evermore-significant ways. The dependability of food sources not only influences our physical and mental well-being but also affects the choices we make when buying groceries and growing vegetables. As the source of reliable and relevant information, the library can provide up-to-date and practical details about how climate change upsets the balance of our lives, particularly with regard to food security.
Project Details
Charlotte Library
Margaret Woodruff