The mission of Jackson County Library Services is to connect everyone to information, ideas, and each other. To support our mission and that of NNLM, JCLS will present two health literacy programs; one in English for general audiences, and one in Spanish for the 7.9% of Jackson County households who speak Spanish. A panel of bilingual health care and library professionals will speak on the topics of COVID-19, locating quality health information online, talking to your doctor, and understanding your prescription. We aim to increase awareness of authoritative health information provided through Medline and other NNLM resources by adding these resources to our Health & Lifestyle research page and teaching patrons how to use them. JCLS adult services librarians will become familiar with NNLM resources and provide the public with ready-reference health resource flyers and brochures to increase health information literacy among Jackson County 88 in English and Spanish households. Program participants will receive a Medical History log book available in Spanish and English to empower them to be their own health advocates at the doctor's office.

Project Details

Organization Name

Jackson County Library Services

Organization Type
All of Us
Public library
Project Lead

Carrie Turney Ross

Start Date
December 1, 2020
End Date
April 30, 2021
Funding Amount
General Public
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Seniors (65+ yrs.)
Hispanics/Latin Americans
Medically Underserved Areas/Populations