During the grant period, the Library will create and implement the Treat Yourself program. Treat Yourself, even in its title, combines our patrons desires to become healthier with the super popular lens of self-care & wellness. The six-week program will consist of a combination of yoga classes and group walking sessions that help patrons de-stress, take time for themselves, and meet new people through social interactions. In addition, participants will learn skills, including deep breathing exercises, that can help them maintain their heart & mental health while empowering them to make healthier, holistic choices. Participants will walk away from the program with newfound goals, knowledge, accountability partners, and walking routines a toolkit of healthy resources they can take with them anywhere. They will also receive an introduction to the National Library of Medicine's MedlinePlus.

Project Details

Organization Name

Kansas City Public Library

Organization Type
Public library
Project Lead

Amanda Landayan

Start Date
December 18, 2018
End Date
April 30, 2019
Funding Amount
General Public
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Medically Underserved Areas/Populations
Behavioral/Social Determinants of Health