The conference is the 2019 Northern California/Nevada Medical Library Group and the Medical Library Group of Southern California/Arizona Joint Meeting, with a conference theme of Critical Health Sciences Librarianship: Examining our Role in Social Justice. Attending this conference will meet institutional goals in several ways. System Library Services serves all of Providence St. Joseph Health, including our California locations. As the Digital Asset Librarian I manage our institutional repository and research metric tracking, including for California. Attending this conference will allow me to be a part of the California medical librarian community. The conferences focus on social justice will also meet Providence St. Joseph Healths core value of Justice , one of the institutions five core values. My paper Social Justice and Medical Library Institutional Repositories: Tactics and Outreach has been accepted and presenting will allow me to further the core value of Excellence . In addition to these core values, Providence St. Joseph Health has five pillars of our strategic plan. I see attending this conference as advancing the pillar of Grow by optimizing expert-to-expert capabilities . Another piece of the Providence St. Joseph Health strategic plan is that Advanced data and digital strategies will enhance clinical collaboration. Given my role as the systems Digital Asset Librarian I will be focusing on sessions that support and further this part of the strategic plan.

Project Details

Organization Name

Providence St. Vincent Hospital & Medical Center

Organization Type
Project Lead

Daina Dickman

Start Date
May 1, 2019
End Date
June 14, 2019
Funding Amount
Library or Information Professional