To enable Southern Chapter/MLA to support and host multiple CE courses and keynote speakers during the annual meeting in Orlando, FL, Oct. 25-28, 2018. The funding will help defray the expense of bringing in CE instructors and thus allow SC/MLA to lower the CE registration costs for attendees. These courses will also have MLA approved CE points offered for members to count toward AHIP certification. The Chapter has invited Derrick Jefferson of American University in Washington, D.C. to come speak on the last day of the conference - Sunday, October 28th, 2018. As noted in the 2018 Janet Doe lecture by Elaine Martin and in the Plenary Session #5 featuring former Surgeon General, Dr. Satcher, diversity and inclusion are important topics to libraries and librarians. Derrick Jefferson, MLIS, MFA, main research area is diversity and inclusion. He works within his university as co-chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee and has experience speaking at conferences. He will discuss diversity and inclusion in libraries, where we are now, what we are doing, what we can be doing, and where we can go in the future. Julie Esparza, MLS, AHIP, will discuss what she sees for libraries and librarians around the corner. Julie is not only the new President-Elect of MLA, but has also served a long career in academic, hospital, corporate, and public libraries before arriving in Shreveport, LA at LSU Health. She is uniquely placed to discuss the challenges, benefits, and possible futures for libraries of all types. Julie will begin a discussion of the future of libraries which we will carry throughout the conference. Finally, the chapter invited a well recognized speaker on data management, Shirley Zhao, during the annual meeting. Her presentation is entitled"Finding the Magic: Libraries and Data Management" to fit with the overall conference theme of "Experience the Magic: Libraries of Tomorrow." Her presentation will focus on the basics of data management and how librarians can begin getting involved with clinicians and 133s in their institutions. This award will help fulfill the following Chapter purpose as set forth in the Bylaws: "to provide opportunities for continuing education for health sciences librarians."

Project Details

Organization Name

Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association

Organization Type
Project Lead

Lindsay Blake

Start Date
May 1, 2018
End Date
April 30, 2019
Funding Amount
Library or Information Professional