Goal: 1. Increase knowledge and resources for RFLES teachers to teach students how the body functions, processes food and is affected by exercise to reinforce the need for healthy eating and exercise. 2. Make nutrition and healthy eating fun, tasty, and accessible for families. Objective: 1. Contract 2 health professionals and/or chefs knowledgeable on healthy eating to offer at least 2 classes at the RFLES and/or the RFLCL after school programs. Each health professional will bring their own supplies for their classes. 2. Introduce and explain how to use the NNLM databases to kids and teachers, such as Kids Health, to expand and explore different health options. 3. Provide resources and information for families to buy nutritious food on a budget. 4. Partner with local groups such as the North 40 food shares to supply healthy food and snacks. Classes and presentations will be during the RFLES school day and/or during the RFLCL after school programs. Human anatomy models will be used by teachers during class, free periods or after school homework club by at least 2 teachers/afterschool 12s for two sessions. Two health professionals or chefs will present on nutrition and food during lunch at RFLES or for a RFLCL after school programs for at least 20 minutes for two sessions. Online resources through NNLM like Kids Health and Sesame Street activities will be presented during class, at lunch, or during the after school programs for at least 2 classes. RFLES teachers will complete tasks during class time with the assistance of RFLCL after school staff if needed. Lunch time and after school presentations will be presented by health professionals or chefs. The after school programs activities or lessons will be presented by RFLCL programmer and after school staff. RFLCL programmer will coordinate with RFLES staff to determine the best times and locations of activities.

Project Details

Organization Name

Red Feather Mountain Library District

Organization Type
Public library
Project Lead


Start Date
May 1, 2018
End Date
January 25, 2019
Funding Amount
Student, K-12
General Public
Teens (13-18 yrs.)