Ni Mi Way means 'I am well' in the Ojibwe language; it has been chosen as this project's title to represent how it will foster empowerment of Bois Forte band members as Ojibwe people to become well-informed health consumers in control of their own wellbeing, and who in turn, will work to build a community strong in physical, emotional, mental, environmental and spiritual health. Ni Mi Way will help facilitate this process using its primary goal of ensuring that all band members have equal access to the wealth of credible online health information. Four health information kiosks will be strategically placed at sites where large pockets of band members reside: Bois Forte Health Services Nett Lake and Bois Forte Health Clinic-Vermilion and Duluth and Minneapolis 98 Offices. Each kiosk will feature free, reliable internet service and up-to-date computers outfitted with assistive technology equipment and specialized software for people with physical disabilities, varied literacy levels or are deaf/hard of hearing or blind/near blind. To better ensure information originates from trusted sources, MedlinePlus will be the browser default home page. There will also be staff persons on site to aid people who desire assistance. Staff will be familiar with computer use, software, resources such as MedlinePlus and Native Voices and a NLM librarian will be invited to provide staff training. Kiosks will allow patients to sign up for and access the 'My Health' electronic patient record system thereby making their records transparent information sources that help them gain fuller understanding of their own health. REMARKS: Objective 1a: Ni Mi Way health information kiosks will be placed at four convenient sites for use by Bois Forte band members to access on-line health information. Measure of Success: Within the first three months of Ni Mi Way, four fully functional kiosks will be set up at the identified sites: Bois Forte Health Services, Bois Forte Clinic-Vermilion, Duluth and Minneapolis 98 Offices. Data Collection: PD visits; Pictures; Surveys; Ni Mi Way program materials. Objective 1b: Ni Mi Way heath information kiosks will provide equal access to for all Bois Forte band members. Measures of Success: Each site will have free, reliable internet services; Kiosks will be outfitted with assistive technology equipment and software; Transportation will be provided to the extent possible; On-site staff persons will be familiar with NLM Medline and Native Voices, My Health, software, how to aid kiosk users. Data Collection: PD visits; Pictures; Surveys; Ni Mi Way program materials; Testimonials. Objective 2a: Bois Forte band members will have access to and utilize Ni Mi Way health information kiosks. Measure of Success: During the first year, a minimum of 240 people will access the Ni Mi Way health information kiosks. Data Collection: Tracking of default home page; Surveys; Guest book sign-ins; Testimonials; Incentive drawing eligibility; Pictures taken with documented kiosk user permission. Objective 2b: Bois Forte band member usage of My Health electronic patient record system will increase. Measure of Success: By the end of the project year, a minimum of 75 people will sign up for My Health. Data Collection: Total new My Health enrollments; Testimonials; Optional survey question whether signed up can choose not to answer for patient privacy purposes. Objective 2c: Bois Forte band members will have access to health information from credible, trustworthy sources. Measures of Success: NLM Medline will be the Ni Mi Way kiosk browser home page

Project Details

Organization Name

University of Minnesota - Duluth

Organization Type
Academic institution
Project Lead


Start Date
May 10, 2018
End Date
April 30, 2019
Funding Amount
General Public
American Indians