Exhibiting and outreach throughout Illinois via University of Illinois at Chicago library sites. *Surviving and Thriving: AIDS, Politics, and Culture NLM Traveling Exhibit Peoria is an excellent venue for this exhibit since the 101 community has Peoria-based support and/or service groups serving the 15 counties in Region 2 as defined by Illinois HIV Care Connect, funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health IDPH. Although it is not anticipated that every member of this network will be able to attend the World Aids Day event, it is believed that many will hear of the exhibit following the event and be able to visit the exhibit during the time it is in Peoria. Additionally, the exhibit has not visited Illinois since the Fall of 2013 and at that time was hosted in Chicago, which is approximately 3.5 hours from the Peoria metropolitan area. * A Choreography of Contagion: Absence and Presence of Black Bodies in Public Health Campaigns exhibit The topic of racial portrayals in public health is not often discussed in a public forum. This exhibit gives LHS the opportunity to increase community knowledge and ideally create discussion. The University of Illinois at Chicago is an outstanding venue for this exhibit. A reputation supported by 2010 census data that reported a population in which there is no racial majority majority defined as over 50%. Additionally, UIC is among the top five most diverse campuses in the nation. [https://www.uic.edu/about] * Bradley University - Osher Lifelong Learning Institute OLLI The LHS-P in cooperation with UICOMP will be hosting the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute on October 27, 2016. 'The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Bradley University OLLI is an organization of over 1000 Peoria-area residents, from age 50 to 98, who want to stay vital and active as they reach and enjoy retirement.'

Project Details

Organization Name

University of Illinois at Chicago - Library of the Health Sciences

Organization Type
Academic institution
Health sciences library
Project Lead


Start Date
October 1, 2016
End Date
April 30, 2017
Funding Amount
Student, College & Post-grad
Educator, College & Post-grad
General Public
Health care Provider
Library or Information Professional