The purpose of Project TORDS is to increase health technology literacy access in 95 and underserved communities in southern West Virginia. TORDS will focus on disenfranchised and marginalized communities with limited access to internet and smart phone connections. The program will provide 10 internet-accessed computers in McDowell and Mercer Counties and provide two days a week per county for communities to access the internet. SCED will provide two hours per day/per site for internet access training. Computer based trainings will consist of Introduction to basic computer skills, accessing internet and quality health information, web searches, and surfing the internet, creating accounts and accessing social media. The training will go more in-depth by providing training on navigating the web for quality health information, introduction to AIDSInfo, MedlinePlus, Pubmed, WebMD, office of AIDS Research, CDC, NIH. The program will also train participants in identifying trustworthy, up-to-date, and accurate health information. TORDS will also introduce participants to the USDA Food-A-Pedia-to Look up nutrition info for over 8,000 foods and compare foods side-by-side. Food Tracker-Track the foods you eat and compare to your nutrition targets. Physical Activity Tracker- Enter your activities and track progress as you move. My Weight Manager-Get weight management guidance; enter your weight and track progress over time. My Top 5 Goals-Choose up to 5 personal goals; sign up for tips and support from your virtual coach and Group Challenges-Group Leaders can create a healthy eating and/or physical activity challenge.

Project Details

Organization Name

South Central Educational Development, Inc

Organization Type
All of Us
Community-based organization
Project Lead

Darryl Cannady

West Virginia
Start Date
May 1, 2018
End Date
April 30, 2019
Funding Amount
General Public
Blacks/African Americans