The National Network of Libraries of Medicine NNLM Community Engagement Center CEC has been funded for $71,240 to establish the infrastructure of the NNLM Community Engagement Network CEN. This project would set the NNLM CEN up to effectively move from a pilot project to a sustainable, evidencebased national model with the infrastructure needed to support the goals of the NNLM National Program NP and the Research Program 71. The NNLM CEN is at a critical juncture where community engagement and outreach models and expectations can be standardized based on previous experience. Evaluation plays a critical role in model development to determine which components and activities of the model are necessary for goal attainment. As the CEN continues to evolve, the evaluation is evolving as well. This proposed project would support continued CEN development; refinement of the national model and evaluation protocols; and identification of the CEN core components and activities.

Project Details

Organization Name

University of Iowa - Hardin Library for the Health Sciences

Organization Type
Academic institution
Health sciences library
Project Lead

Brittney Thomas

Start Date
October 1, 2019
End Date
April 30, 2020
Funding Amount
Library or Information Professional