In this two part project, faculty from the Georgia State University GSU Library and the School of Public Health will repurpose elements from the CDC's David J. Sencer Museum's exhibition 'Health Is a Human Right: Race and Place in America'. The exhibit has been secured as a permanent gift from the CDC museum to GSU and is in storage in a large classroom at the School of Public Health. Our goal is not to recreate the exhibition, but rather to use the exhibit materials and classroom as an interdisciplinary teaching tool that will be meaningful and relevant to students across all disciplines and lead to discussion and student research projects based on the content of the exhibition. The exhibit consists of over 200 poster-board mounted images, documents, and narrative commentary with sections on Racism, Immigration, Poverty, Environment, Health Care, and Housing. GSU faculty members from the University Library, School of Public Health, African-American Studies, the School of Nursing and Health Professions and others, will prepare rotating exhibits focused on health disparities, social determinants, and other challenges over the last 120 years that have impacted health equity in the U.S.. The Health Sciences Librarian will provide QR codes linked to relevant NLM resources e.g. ToxNet, 109 Health, DailyMed, HealthReach, AIDSource, PubMed, etc. as well as handouts with PMIDs for additional student research. The librarian will also create an online, open access Omeka exhibit catalog. Future plans incorporate ways to keep the exhibit up-to-date with hands-on assistance from students, who will research and create additional panels related to the two content areas the exhibit does not cover, 91IQA and disability issues, as well as updating obsolete data. The first part, prior to April 30, 2017, will be the purchase of materials and services. After that date, the curriculum revisions and incorporation of NLM resources into the exhibition will occu

Project Details

Organization Name

Georgia State University - Atlanta Campus

Organization Type
Academic institution
Project Lead


Start Date
January 2, 2017
End Date
April 30, 2017
Funding Amount
Student, College & Post-grad
Educator, College & Post-grad
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Health care Provider
Library or Information Professional
Public Health Professional