One of AcademyHealths dissemination activities is to sponsor a student competition titled the HSRProj Research Competition for Students. Now in its fourth year, the purpose of the competition is to introduce HSRProj to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in health services research, public health, library and information science, and related programs. The competition challenges students to use the HSRProj database to identify research priorities within five chosen areas of health services and systems research using HSRProj and its relevant attributes. As part of the application, students must write a 500-word abstract that explains their rationale, method, and findings, and submit up to three data visualizations that illustrate their findings in an engaging and comprehensive manner. Students may work in teams of up to three, must work with an academic advisor, and are encouraged to work with a university librarian.The winning team will be invited to present their submission as a poster at the AcademyHealths Annual Research Meeting ARM. ARM is the gathering place for more than 3,000 individuals leading the charge to transform delivery systems and health care in a rapidly changing landscape. As the premier forum for health services research HSR, ARM convenes the foremost experts at the intersection of health, health care, and policy to share important findings and showcase the latest research on how the health system works, what it costs, and how to improve it.

Project Details

Organization Name


Organization Type
Project Lead

Nisha Kanani

District of Columbia
Start Date
January 6, 2020
End Date
September 30, 2020
Funding Amount
Student, College & Post-grad
Adults (19-64 yrs.)