Citizen Science Game Day is a project for public libraries and other NNLM members to promote citizen science and to engage with library users. The project includes an embeddable Project Finder that libraries can implement on their websites. An NNLM-branded portal will be created on SciStarter to help orient people participants and librarians to the goals of Citizen Science Game Day, feature health and wellness related projects/events and links to the embeddable Project Finder, and provide information and links to NNLM-supported resources available to the public and related to citizen science. The project will provide a Librarians Guide to citizen science and materials and customer support to organize an in-person Citizen Science Game Day catch-a-thon and meet-ups. This project will concentrate on eight public libraries and one university library located in California and Arizona, and tools will be made available to other NNLM members and public libraries nationwide to support engagement in Citizen Science Game Day.

Project Details

Organization Name

Arizona State University, Noble Science and Engineering Library Tempe

Organization Type
Academic institution
Project Lead

Caroline Nickerson

Start Date
December 1, 2018
End Date
July 31, 2019
Funding Amount
General Public
Library or Information Professional
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Children (0-12 yrs.)