For the proposed project, the North Haven Memorial Library NHML, working with North Haven's Long Term Recovery Planning Committee and local health and wellness agencies, will promote health literacy and increased awareness of National Library of Medicine resources relating to managing stress and anxiety resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be a two-part project. First, we will present a speaker series to address mental health and stress in the North Haven community related to COVID-19, partnering with local health and wellness agencies and universities. Second, we are requesting funding for a smart board to enable virtual promotion of trustworthy health resources. We will partner with the New England Region of the National Library of Medicine to train our local health and wellness partners on the National Library of Medicine resources. The local health and wellness partners will use the smart board to record short video tutorials on accessing local and reliable NLM resources geared toward their specific populations. These recordings will be shared with the community via multiple platforms including on the NHML website, social media, and on the local television station, NHTV.
Project Details
North Haven Memorial Library
Susan Griffiths