The proposed project aims to provide health kits to families in underserved communities, and to promote awareness and demonstrate the use of National Library of Medicine health information resources. At Sacramento Public Library, nurses or nursing students will accompany staff on bookmobile routes and present materials/provide services at a canopied resource table set up in front of the bookmobile. Nurses will provide instruction using the information in the IHA resource What To Do When Your Child Gets Sick in conjunction with digital thermometers and calibrated medicine spoons. Library staff will provide handouts and instruction on how to search for and find information on quality resources such as MedlinePlus,, and We will also promote these resources with MedlinePlus bookmarks and InformationRx post-it note pads. Every participant will receive brochures and bookmarks for the Research Program in either English or Spanish depending on preference. Bookmarks, InfoRx pads, brochures and materials to be provided by NNLM PSR. Library staff and health professional students and volunteers will receive guidance for distribution of the resources and training materials on the web-based health resources. Students from the UC Davis Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing are professional health 12s and patient care experts, and will provide basic health services such as blood pressure checks. The student nurses will also provide instructions for use of the kit contents thermometers and measuring spoons along with the corresponding content in the IHA books and other print materials.

Project Details

Organization Name

Sacramento Public Library

Organization Type
All of Us
Public library
Project Lead

Anita Davies

Start Date
May 1, 2018
End Date
April 30, 2019
Funding Amount
General Public
Student, College & Post-grad
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Children (0-12 yrs.)