EHP is requesting a grant award in the amount of $5,000.00 to disseminate health information throughout counties in Southwest Pennsylvania experiencing unconventional oil and gas development UOGD. The goal of this project is to enhance resilience in these communities in the face of widespread UOGD in recent years. In addition to enhancing resilience, the goals of this project are to decrease community-level stress and to improve mental and physical health. To achieve this goal, we will use community-tailored selections of our more than 15 existing health resources along with the following resources from NLM: MedlinePlus; Toxtown; and Environmental Health and Toxicology: Specialized Information Services. This project will also allow us to disseminate information to residents on EHP's Shale Gas & Oil Health Registry & Resource Network, currently the only nationwide registry documenting impacts from UOGD. Lastly, this project will help EHP to continue disseminating information to the health care community.

Project Details

Organization Name

Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project EHP

Organization Type
Public health
Project Lead


Start Date
September 1, 2017
End Date
April 30, 2018
Funding Amount
Student, College & Post-grad
Educator, College & Post-grad
Emergency Preparedness and Response
General Public
Health care Provider
Library or Information Professional
Public Health Professional
Seniors (65+ yrs.)