Resolve to Stay Active: A Fitbit Kit for Your Community supports public libraries or other community organizations which serve populations that are underrepresented in biomedical research in providing access to health technology and consumer health resources. Background/Purpose: This award supports the mission of the NNLM Community Engagement Network to: Help public libraries support the health information needs in their communities by providing National Library of Medicine and other quality health education resources to enable individuals to make informed decisions about their health. Increase public and participant awareness and understanding of the NIH Research Program using approved health literacy topics, programs, and materials in support of public libraries providing outreach to populations that meet the NIH Underrepresented in Biomedical Research UBR criterialink is external as defined by the NIH Research Program. While interest in health-related programs and services has increased, many libraries and other community organizations lack adequate funding to provide health related materials. The Resolve to Stay Active Fitbit Kits will lower barriers to providing health-related programs and outreach in public libraries and other community organizations.
Project Details
River East Public Library
Cherie Wright