As librarians and 133s alike grapple with new technologies and methodologies for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating data, they must also grapple with corresponding ethical issues. In order to assist librarians with these concerns, we proposed to create educational materials to aid in the recognition, analysis, and solution of ethical issues, including but not limited to ethical data visualization, ethics related to data sharing, and ethical issues for machine learning methodologies. The curriculum will focus on some of the issues that health sciences librarians face, particularly regarding human subjects and patient data, but it will be generalizable to the larger library community. The curriculum will not aim to be prescriptive, instead it will give participants the tools to approach their unique data ethics problems. Through this grant, we aim to build and pilot a curriculum of synchronous courses consisting of three one-hour classes. Following the pilot, we will evaluate the materials with the assistance of participants to further refine the curriculum to meet participant needs. We hope to help build resources and foster community with people who are interested in data, ethics, and biomedical research.
Project Details
NYU School of Medicine
Nicole Contaxis