To support the mission of the National Network for Libraries of Medicine, the Library will provide resources to the residents consumers with health information as outlined in Aim 10. 'Aim 10: The GMR staff will improve GMR consumer's understanding of quality health information resources available on the Internet so that they make better informed health care decisions throughout the five years of the award.' Though the project will be targeting the older adult population in the Fairmont Community, anyone from the community will be welcomed to participate in the programs and services made available through the grant. There is a core group of fifty 89 who have voiced not having computers or Internet access and the need to learn more about computers to access information, especially pertaining to health literacy. With the appropriate equipment, the Library can bring the community Internet access and have on-going educational classes as outlined in the objectives and implementation. The White Oak Library District has been providing services to the Fairmont Community. The 86's librarians provide services to the schools, the Adult Services librarians provide research and educational activities in the branch library, and the Outreach Services librarians provide materials, home delivery services, and resources to the senior citizen residents and daycare students. Over the past four years, the Outreach Services monthly presentations provide information to a core group of approximately 50 89 based on the needs of the community. We are limited to resources in print through books or printed copies. There is a need, especially for the older adult population, to have access to current and vital health information and resources.The Fairmont Community residents have expressed a need to expand their knowledge of medical and other resources presented at their monthly meetings.

Project Details

Organization Name

White Oak Library District

Organization Type
Public library
Project Lead


Start Date
November 1, 2016
End Date
April 30, 2017
Funding Amount
General Public
Seniors (65+ yrs.)
Blacks/African Americans