This project is designed to fuse information available on a wide range of health and daily living topics found in MedlinePlus with 21st century technology skills that often are lacking in older aged 65 years. Through the creation of relevant and approachable topic e.g. Care for Your Body, Stay Active, Fear Not, Stay Sharp, and Everyday Tools the following kits will be created which hold both high-and low-tech tools to support independence; nutrition and medication; exercise, leisure, and mobility; safety and security; memory and learning; and communication and activities of daily living. Using a two-part model of group instruction tutorial on how to use MedlinePlus and a demonstration of relevant home technology for each health topic and publicly available tool kits for home use available to check out from UTMB School of Nursing Community Space for Health and Well-being, which is led by the Principal Investigator of this project, along with a pilot mentor program, the project team seeks to create a comprehensive program that can reach a large number of people while also providing individualized opportunity for learning and exploration. To our knowledge, this program is unique to the Galveston area-especially with regard to offering learners a chance to check out the tools to try at home.

Project Details

Organization Name

University of Texas Medical Branch - Moody Medical Library

Organization Type
Academic institution
All of Us
Health sciences library
Project Lead

Anne Howard

Start Date
May 1, 2020
End Date
April 30, 2021
Funding Amount
General Public
Library or Information Professional
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Seniors (65+ yrs.)
Blacks/African Americans
Hispanics/Latin Americans