Connections4Health C4H is an innovative program of placing a 'social service help desk' in the waiting area of underserved medical centers to assist patients in their unmet needs during, and as part of, their medical visit. Volunteer college students are trained as 'Community Health Fellows' to work with patients while they are attending a medical appointment. These volunteers engage patients one-on-one to understand their unmet social service needs and create individualized action plans with referrals to relevant social service agencies. Student Fellows also follow-up weekly until the patients' needs are met to the patients' satisfaction. The students utilize an internal comprehensive database of local resources to connect patients with social services, and update this database regularly to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information to patients. This grant proposal allows for students to be trained in the use of MedlinePlus and other NLM resources to help patients better understand their own medical needs.

Project Details

Organization Name

Southwest Pennsylvania Area Health Education Center SW PA AHEC

Organization Type
All of Us
Public health
Project Lead


Start Date
May 1, 2017
End Date
April 30, 2018
Funding Amount
Student, College & Post-grad
General Public
Health care Provider
Public Health Professional
Blacks/African Americans