AoU 313 Healthy Grocery Shopping for 89 in a Food Desert

The Healthy Living and Learning Center HLLC at the Petersburg Public Library provides a consistent and familiar place where community members go to obtain accurate and reliable health information and connect to available local resources. The majority of Petersburg residents live more than a mile away from a grocery store where fresh produce is available. The proposed healthy grocery shopping and education project aimed at under-served Senior citizens over the age of 65 is a community/grassroots effort that fills an existing void in the city of Petersburg and adjacent areas. The Healthy Living and Learning Center proposes to utilize the Petersburg Public Library bus to take groups of 89 to a Walmart grocery store for healthy shopping and back to the Library. The 89 will be escorted by a health 12 from the Healthy Living and Learning Center and when appropriate; a family nutrition specialist from the Petersburg Cooperative Extension program. The round trip to the store and back to the Library will provide an opportunity for nutrition education interventions. Once in the store and led by the health 12 or the family nutrition specialist, the group will go aisle through aisle assessing the different products sugar and sodium content. Price point and the perceived value of organic products will be discussed as well. We propose purchasing two desktop computers to be placed at the Healthy Living and Learning Center for participant's easy access to health information through, when there are no volunteers covering the Center.

Project Details

Organization Name

Petersburg Public Library - Healthy Living and Learning Center

Organization Type
All of Us
Public library
Project Lead

Robert Noriega

Start Date
May 1, 2019
End Date
April 30, 2020
Funding Amount
General Public
Seniors (65+ yrs.)