To improve access to authoritative health information resources via programming and engaging technology, the Atlanta University Center AUC Woodruff Library seeks funding for a one year project to increase health information literacy among students from four Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Staff and faculty from these institutions, as well as the broader Atlanta community will also benefit from information literacy training, programs and an easily accessible kiosk containing health information. The project will use multiple engagement strategies to expand students knowledge about how health information literacy can enhance their ability to make informed health decisions and make better lifestyle choices. This project seeks to impart knowledge and health information seeking skills to empower African American students and others from underrepresented minority groups in making better health maintenance and lifestyle choices that can be sustained throughout their lifetimes. Consisting of three main components, the project includes: 1 training from library and health information professionals on how to use a variety of freely available health information resources from local and federally funded databases such as MedlinePlus, PubMed, the Fulton County Board of Health and Center for Disease Control & Prevention CDC Community Health Online Resource Center; 2 an accessible Woodi Health Hub Kiosk, located prominently in the Library, for users to independently peruse health information; and 3 development and implementation of a series of programs throughout the school year specifically designed to raise health and wellness awareness among college students. Programs will be designed with the assistance of graduate and undergraduate students pursuing careers in health and the sciences. The Woodi Health Hub Kiosk information will be further supplemented by printed health education literature from local and federal health agencies.

Project Details

Organization Name

Atlanta University Center AUC - Robert W. Woodruff Library

Organization Type
Academic institution
All of Us
Project Lead

Rosaline Odom

Start Date
May 1, 2019
End Date
September 30, 2020
Funding Amount
Educator, K-12
General Public
Student, College & Post-grad
Blacks/African Americans