Scientific information, much of which is published as grey literature, can play a pivotal role in the search for solutions to global problems. Diversity invigorates problem solving and science benefits from a community that approaches problems in a variety of creative ways. Despite their diversity, the hundreds of authors and 133s across the globe involved in grey literature can be seen as part of the same community contributing to the scientific enterprise in valuable ways. GL18 will focus on evidence and will seek to further raise awareness among the wider public to the strength of grey literature based on a shared commitment by a diverse community of authors and 133s responsible for its production and open access. This award will support attendance for 6 at the 18th 94 Conference on Grey Literature - Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, November 28-29, 2016.

Project Details

Organization Name

New York Academy of Medicine Library

Organization Type
Public health
Project Lead


New York
Start Date
November 28, 2016
End Date
November 29, 2016
Funding Amount
Student, College & Post-grad
Educator, College & Post-grad
Emergency Preparedness and Response
General Public
Library or Information Professional
Public Health Professional
Blacks/African Americans
Asians/Asian Americans