Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

On this Page
Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Rural Telehealth in Public Libraries Maine Medical Center - MaineHealth With reduced access to care in rural areas, many patients are turning to telehealth for consultations or follow-up appointments. In lieu of long travel times, patients can connect with providers online. Unfortunately the lack of computer hardware and high speed internet access limits the ability of patients to use video telehealth, which in turn limits the providers’ ability to diagnose and treat them. Our goal is to provide hardware and information resources to a rural library to support telehealth appointments. Additionally, we will produce a video about the telehealth… Maine
Rural Utah Community Osteoporosis Education Noorda College Of Osteopathic Medicine Library Our project aims to provide meaningful education regarding osteoporosis as well as providing patients with the tools to find more information through high quality resources about this topic. We will do this by providing outreach workshops where an evidence-based osteoporosis curriculum is presented which includes an interactive activity researching best sources on a tablet/iPad. Curriculum will be overseen by a board-certified Geriatrician Utah
Science Bootcamp Boston Library Consortium The New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians (NESBC) is a two and a half day annual conference for librarians, library workers, and library students to keep the science librarianship community informed of current trends in scientific and health-related research and provide immersive learning and networking opportunities. Specialized skills are required for librarians and library workers who support researchers and departmental faculty in areas of health and general sciences. NESBC equips librarians with the knowledge that they need to enhance their professional skills, including… Massachusetts
SciStarter Activity Kit for Native American Citizen Scientists Pilot Project SciStarter Assemble a team that will collaborate to review and select a participatory science kit to enhance via new activities that will both support engagement among Native Americans and build awareness among pilot kit users on tribal cultural language and related activities. The team will be composed of a SciStarter team leader, front-end web developer, back-end web developer, a professional designer, an editor, a DEI specialist, communications team, a Region 4 representative (John Bramble or his designee), a librarian, and at least two members of Native American tribes in AZ. Pennsylvania
SciStarter Spanish Language Activity Kit Pilot Project SciStarter The purpose of this work was to create a pilot project in collaboration with educators and librarians in Spanish-speaking communities to identify a process resulting in publicly accessible health focused SciStarter activities to add to a Citizen Science Kit. The additive activities aim to engage the Spanish speaking students and the public in learning about citizen science and ultimately in collecting and analyzing health-related data as part of the practice of public participation and collaboration in scientific research to increase scientific knowledge Pennsylvania
last updated: 06/14/24 10:14
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