Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

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Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Collection Equity Award Y3 - Chaminade University of Honolulu - Sullivan Family Library Chaminade University - Sullivan Family Library We hope to use the funding to develop our health sciences and nursing collection. Our health sciences and nursing collection has not received funding for routine collection development since 2018. This means that we have been forced to withdraw books – either due to damage or outdated information – yet have not been able to purchase new material to make up for this loss. In… Hawaii
Collection Equity Award Y3 - Clover Park Technical College Clover Park Technical College Utilizing the Diverse Voices in Health & Medicine Collections toolkit provided by the NNLM, we will purchase health information books with focuses on Addiction/Recovery, Body Systems and Diseases (with a focus on HIV/AIDS), Health Topics for People of Color, Mental Health and Psychology, Sexual and Reproductive/Women’s Health, and Social Issues. We will choose from both the Washington
Collection Equity Award Y3 - Mount Saint Mary’s University, Los Angeles Mount Saint Mary's University MSMU Libraries wants to use the Collection Equity Award to develop the collection in areas that promote reading as a source of mental health awareness and well-being for its students. Our primary goals include: 1) Develop our popular reading collection to incorporate more topics on mental health and wellness; 2) Work with the University’s Counseling and Psychology Services (CAPS) through… California
Collection Equity Award Y3 - Oregon Health & Science University Library Oregon Health & Science University Library These funds will be used to further develop and enrich OHSU Library’s collection of health- and medical-themed graphic novels. Graphic medicine facilitates learning, compassion, and a greater appreciation for the health sciences through the medium of comic-style art and narrative storytelling. This… Oregon
Collection Equity Award Y3 - Pacific University Oregon Pacific University This is a proposal to purchase diversity training products and services for cultural awareness and skill-building activities similar to ones that individuals (or association members) might get attending continuing education (CE) classes through podcasts, online webinars/workshops, live or taped conferences, etc. Such products and services offer online, on-demand, interactive, and intensive learning. This proposal extends collection… Oregon
Collection Equity Award Y3 - Savitt Medical Library University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine I intend to expand key areas of the Savitt Medical Library print collection with this award. Resources will be selected to address known demographics which UNR Med is committed to serving under our diversity, equity and inclusion strategies. The Mission-Based Diversity Groups (MBDG) are identified across our library user communities of faculty, staff and students, and were identified by way of… Nevada
Collection Equity Award Y3 - Southern Nevada Health District Southern Nevada Health District We plan to use this award to purchase online resources that will be highlighted during “Health District After Dark” events and during community outreach opportunities through our Health Equity team. The funds will enable SNHD to expand our online resource offerings to include expanded items that represent diverse, underrepresented, and marginalized voices related to public… Nevada
Collection Equity Award Y3 - University of San Francisco University of San Francisco The Collection Equity Award would allow Gleeson Library at the University of San Francisco to expand print and electronic monograph resources specific to disability studies, disability justice, and the health of people with disabilities. Our disability studies collection is currently limited, and would benefit from targeted, intentional collection development. Given that disability studies is… California
Collection Equity Award Y3 - University of Southern California, Jennifer Ann Wilson Dental Library University of Southern California Jennifer Ann Wilson Dental Library We will use this award to build a collection of books on mental health and well-being at the Wilson Dental Library and provide library programming around mental health literacy for dental, oral health, and health sciences students, faculty, staff, and clinicians at the University of Southern California (USC). … California
Collection Equity Outreach Award Hawaii State Public Library System Funds from the award will be used to purchase books and materials for book discussion kits targeted to parents and caregivers of children ages 4-12. Book discussion kits will focus on timely subjects including racial equity, identity & belonging, joy & self-love, immigration & refugees, social justice & activism, and social emotional learning. Inspiration for the… Hawaii
Collection Equity Outreach Award Jackson County Library Services With the Collection equity Outreach Award, we intend to add health-related materials – in both print and digital formats, and in both English and Spanish, to our Teen Nonfiction collection. These materials will be categorically prioritized to focus on LGBTQ health, Drugs, Teen Pregnancy/Parenthood, and Mental Health. These categories were chosen specifically because of JCLS’s… Oregon
Collection Equity Outreach Award Juneau Public Library The Juneau Public Libraries, in Juneau, Alaska intends to buy books to develop a health collection for Shéiyi X̱aat Hít (Spruce Root House), a brand new emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth ages 10-18. In… Alaska
Collection Equity Outreach Award North Bend Public Library $1,000 of the award would be used to refresh the adult nonfiction collection with health information titles targeted at senior adults. Our goal for this portion of the award is to increase access to current information so that library users are better equipped to manage their own care and interact with medical providers. Many senior users still seek print resources. A goal is to purchase titles by… Oregon
Collection Equity Outreach Award Oregon Health & Science University Library Graphic medicine and narrative medicine are two disciplines used to create empathy and understanding between patients and health care providers.The Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Library is home to a 35-item collection of graphic medicine titles. The Library started this collection to provide OHSU’s community with a greater range of materials to use in their studies, instruction, and practice. We want to expand the scope and access by adding zines. A zine, short for fanzine or magazine, is a self-publication, usually made on paper and reproduced with a… Oregon
Collection Equity Outreach Award Pacific University Our Collection Equity Outreach Award will focus on collection building around BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ issues for the following reasons: the collections in these areas are out of date; and there is a high demand for such materials. Oregon
Collection Equity Outreach Award Providence St. Vincent Hospital & Medical Center With ongoing social justice initiatives and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts, the health sciences library commits to meet the information needs of health care providers at Providence who strive to serve historically marginalized and vulnerable… Oregon
Collection Equity Outreach Award Redwood City Public Library The RCPL CARES (Cultivating and Advancing Racial Equity Systemically) team will be selecting books for the library collection that further our equity and inclusion goals. These materials will be on a variety of health topics and will be both fictional and non-fiction selections. Materials will be selected for the young adult and adult collections. The library has a current Health collection that… California
Collection Equity Outreach Award San Diego State University Our plan is to purchase materials related to student/young adult health and wellness, specifically in underrepresented populations. Resources purchased with these funds will include graphic medicine, fiction, nonfiction, memoirs, and oral histories representing diverse people, illnesses, and other health related concerns. We… California
Collection Equity Outreach Award Springfield Public Library This award will be used to increase the Springfield Public Library current biomedical/health collection, primarily in Spanish and English by:  … Oregon
Collection Equity Outreach Award University of Portland Library The School of Nursing has increased their focus on health issues related to this population and the library has been active in creating displays on LGBTQIA+ topics and celebrating events like Pride.  This award will allow us to increase our materials supportive of LGBTQIA+ community members.… Oregon
Collection Equity Outreach Award Kenai Community Library Approximately 78% of the health-related titles the library currently owns are more than 5 years old. This includes adult, young adult, and juvenile titles. While we recently weeded these sections, we still have much work to do to provide our patrons access to recent and reliable information and to replenish what we removed.If we are awarded this grant, we will purchase titles in various formats (e.g., print, audio, and DVDs) for all age groups. We believe that now more than ever libraries must promote the principles of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access. If we are awarded this… Alaska
Collection Equity Outreach Award University of Nevada, Las Vegas Background The UNLV Health Sciences Library (HSL) primarily supports the education and mission of the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine… Nevada
Collection Equity Outreach Award University of Alaska Anchorage Medical Library The Collection Equity Outreach Award would allow the UAA/APU Consortium Library to purchase books for the physical and electronic health sciences collection to support the diversity, equity, and inclusion objectives of the University of Alaska Anchorage’s Strategic Plan for 2025. Specifically, the Library would purchase materials that support College of Health students to meet the health care needs of the state’s Alaska Native, Hispanics/Latinos, Asian, Black/African American and Pacific Islander demographics. Since College of Health students make up a large… Alaska
Collection Equity, Quinnipiac University Quinnipiac University We propose using the funds from the Collection Equity Award to expand our collection of books related to the intersection of health and diversity, with a focus on books that will educate about personal stories of those experiencing marginalization or oppression in our society. We will also include titles that provide guidance on being an advocate for health equity.
Collection Equity: Ferguson Library Ferguson Library The population of Stamford is diverse in terms of their language, background, and educational level. According to the latest census, Stamford is the second-largest city in Connecticut, with a population of 135,470 as of 2020. The 2020 census also shows that 57.38% of Stamford residents speak only English, while 42.62% speak other languages. 23.40% of the population speak Spanish. As a public library, our mission is to provide free and equitable access to materials. Early last year, we participated in a health equity and racial justice training program where we… Connecticut
Collection Equity: Fryeburg Academy Fryeburg Academy Develop heatlh collections that are respresentative of community needs. Maine
Community Empowerment in Health: Increase Access via Technology Enosburgh Public Library The Enosburgh Public Library in Enosburg Falls, VT requests funding to upgrade and add computers, laptops and software to make information and access available to the entire community.  This will include information from NNLM, NLM and about the Research Program.  The Enosburgh residents have a great need to research reliable and up-to-date sources about health and particularly regarding addiction, disabilities and lifestyle.  The library is a safe space to access sites and apply for programs.  Vermont
Community Health Center: Improving Health Literacy in High School Students The Community Health Center, Inc. The main goal of our Improving Health Literacy in High School Students proposal is to educate high school students on health disparities affecting their communities and discuss the impact that the All of Us Research Program can have on reducing health disparities in future generations to improve health outcomes. To accomplish our goal, we will: Connecticut
Community Health Outreach: Raising awareness of Preventable Respiratory Disease Rooks County Health Center Raise awareness of preventable respiratory illnessin Rooks County, Kansas through amulti-agency outreach initiative involving local schools,libraries, and healthcare entities.The program will focus on providing presentations,visual aides and training programstargeted to different age and education levels. Theprogram will emphasize training inaccessing local and national health information resources. Kansas
Community Partnerships to Address Mental Health Literacy and Stigma in Rural Northeastern Washington Washington State University - Spokane The aims of the Community Partnerships to Address Mental Health Literacy and Stigma in Rural Northeastern Washington project are to increase mental health literacy, reduce stigma regarding mental illness, and ultimately improve mental health outcomes among adolescents in Ferry, Stevens, and Pend Oreille Counties in rural areas of Eastern Washington. Working with the Northeast Tri-… Washington
Demographics - Age Group
Demographics - Geographic Type
Demographics - Issues & Interests
Demographics - Race & Ethnicity
Demographics - Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve
Demographics - Sexual & Gender Minorities