Erica Lake, MLS, AHIP

Health Sciences Librarians Outreach Specialist, Region 6

Erica Lake (she/her) is the Medical and Academic Library Outreach Coordinator for the Network of the National Library of Medicine in Region 6. In this role, Erica engages with health sciences librarians, hospital librarians, tribal college librarians, and library information science programs in the region, and teaches national NNLM webinars and Moodle courses.

Classes I Teach

Event Title Summary
OnTheMap for Emergency Management and My Community Explorer Data Tools This one hour webinar features a guest speaker from the United States Census Bureau, and introduces the Census data tools: OnTheMap for Emergency Management and Community Resilience Estimates. Part of the September 2023 NNLM Virtual Disaster Preparedness Forum.
R3 and R6 Carpentries for LIS February 2024 This workshop is focused on Data Carpentries. The curriculum will include:
• Data organization in spreadsheets
• Data cleaning with OpenRefine
• Data visualization with R
Region 6: NNLM Day at MLA 2023 Meet the NNLM Region 6 during NNLM Day at MLA 2023!
Reproductive Health and the Reference Desk: How libraries can provide information in a post-Roe country, a Region 6 Spotlight Speaker webinar This webinar will discuss reproductive health as an information access concern, introduce the Reproductive Justice framework, and offer ideas for how libraries can provide create environments that are supportive of sexual and reproductive health information.
Why Comics Work for Risk Communication Meredith Li-Vollmer, PhD, risk communication specialist and cartoonist discusses how the health department in Seattle and King County, Washington has used comics to convey critical health information for emergency preparedness and response. One-hour webinar. Part of NNLM Virtual Disaster Preparedness Forum (September, 2023).

Contact Information