The Evidence Pyramid Problem

Class Experience Level
Beginner, Intermediate

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In 2022, the Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing launched a series focused on revolutionizing processes for evidence-based practice (EBP). This series aims to identify longstanding EBP-related traditions that may be outdated or unsupported by evidence, or may simply add confusion, poor scholarship, and workload burden. 

In this webinar, the authors of the latest article in this series will join us to discuss the evidence pyramid. They will provide an overview of how the traditional evidence pyramid can mislead students and clinicians, and propose a different method to determine evidence strength and applicability – the evidence funnel. Join us for an engaging session that will feature a live discussion, with ample opportunity for questions and dialogue.

Guest Speakers

Laura Cullen, DNP, RN, FAAN leads Evidence-Based Practice at University of Iowa Health Care. Laura is internationally recognized for her expertise in EBP and implementation. Among her many accomplishments, she is most proud of the many clinicians she has mentored and staying application oriented. Laura’s work has led to innovation in practice; improved patient safety; reduced nosocomial events; improved patient, family and staff satisfaction; reduced hospital LOS and costs; and transformation of many organizations’ EBP infrastructure.  She has over 100 publications and presents nationally and internationally. Laura is on the editorial board for and has a regular EBP column in the Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, and is on the editorial board of the American Journal of Nursing, and has been on the grant review panel for the DAISY Foundation.  She has received multiple awards and her work supported numerous awards for the nursing department.

Dr. Stephanie Edmonds is the Nurse Scientist at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis and an Associate Adjunct Faculty at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing. She currently leads evidence-based practice programs at Abbott Northwestern, with over five years of experience leading nursing teams in healthcare improvement work. Dr. Edmonds’s research centers on healthcare improvement with a particular interest in implementation science, patient engagement, and patient-centered communication.

Jennifer DeBerg, OT, MLS,  is a User Services Librarian at the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Iowa Libraries. In this role, she leads a user services team for ongoing assessment and quality improvement of library services and provides regular direction to the reference team. She also serves as liaison to nursing, orthopedics, rehabilitation therapies, and communication sciences. Prior to obtaining her MLS in 2008, Jennifer worked as an occupational therapist for 15 years, and has a passion for providing support/education to clinicians with an interest in evidence-based practice. Research interests include nurse practitioner use of EBP, library user experience, and healthy library workplace design. 

By registering for this class, you are agreeing to the NNLM Code of Conduct

  1. Stimulate critical thought about evidence base-practice and provide a forum for a thoughtful discussion.

Class Recording

Class Details

Date(s): October 24, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Platform: Zoom
CE Credits: 1.00
CE Categories: MLA, Continuing Nursing Education (CNE)
This class is sponsored by Region 6.
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Class Contacts

Host/Instructor: Erica Lake
Technical Assistance: Miles Dietz-Castel

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